Request - Jon Snow and Robb Stark "No problem like a girl problem"

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"Jon, you do know that I like you, but you are a bastard!" Robb raised his voice and he shook his head. "Don't you think a girl deserves a better future than one with a bastard?"

Jon didn't say anything for a moment. He had the constant frown on his forehead and his dark eyes were staring into nowhere. "I actually have been thinking about that. Since you will become Lord of Winterfell, father is going to arrange your marriage. Since I am a bastard I might be able to convince father to let me marry out of love."

Robb rolled his eyes and his laugh echoed through the Godswood. "Father has always raised you as a Stark, Snow." Robb cocked his head slightly. "I hate to disappoint you, but I am going to assume that he wants to arrange your marriage too."

The last half an hour they had done nothing but arguing like this. Some arguments had sounded very reasonable, but they both seemed to forget the most important argument when it came to who would get the girl. They seemed to forget the opinion of the girl.

What if she wouldn't be interested in a relationship with any of them? Or what if she had a clear preference for one boy over the other? Or what if she was already promised to another man and was not even available?

"If it comes to defending her honor, I am the better sword fighter." Jon was still staring into nowhere, but his lips were curling up into a little smile, something he rarely did.

"But I will have the entire North willing to fight for me, when they have to." Robb stared at his half brother with a bright smile on his face. "I don't think that if anyone is trying to harm her, your sword fighting skills will stand a chance against an entire army."

You added the last flower to the flower crown you had been making, before you made your horse make it's way towards them. "Jon, Robb, maybe we should try to find another way to settle this whole who will get the girl problem." You kindly asked your horse to stand still when you were close enough.

"We could always ask father if he could let us duel for her hand." Jon's smile grew a little brighter, knowing that when this whole argument would get settled in a sword fight between him and Robb he would win.

"Or we could simply ask him who he believes is better suited to be her husband." Robb raised his eyebrows a little while he elbowed his half brother in a not too gently way. He was probably certain that his qualities as a man outweighed the sword fighting skills of Jon.

"I was actually thinking about letting the girl decide." You shrugged your shoulders while they both frowned their eyebrows and quickly turned their face into your direction. "I know it is a very uncommon thing to do in Westeros, but in my opinion both of you would have an equal chance if she will be the one who decides who gets to ask Lord Stark if he could arrange a marriage with her." You paused and saw how both Jon and Robb were overthinking your solution. "She would be able to pick the one she would love most, which is the better solution for both of you."

Robb and Jon exchanged a short glance. The skin on their cheeks blushed a little and their eyes were clearly arguing about whether or not this was the kind of solution they had been looking for.

Eventually Robb straightened his back and cleared his throat. "If you, lady (Y/N) of (Y/P) would get the chance to marry either me, Robb Stark of Winterfell, or Jon Snow, bastard of Lord Stark, who would you pick?"

You cocked your head a little and frowned your eyebrows, but then your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. "Wait a minute..." You shook your head and stared at Robb, at Jon, back at Robb and back at Jon. "This whole argument was about me?"

Both Jon and Robb bent their head and now it were not just their cheeks blushing anymore. Their entire face was red and you couldn't help throwing your head in your neck while laughing.

"I am so sorry, I am terribly sorry. All this time I assumed you were talking about some high born Lady from a very important family. I am not even sure your father will allow any of you to marry me, really." You kept on laughing and giggling. "On top of that, there is no chance I can pick one of you." You shook your head. "I like you both very very much and I wouldn't want to ruin my friendship with one of you for a non existing chance that the other of you will marry me some day." You shrugged your shoulders again. "It's either both of you or none of you and that's my final choice." 

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now