Robb Stark - "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore."

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"Look who we have here." The man standing in the opening of your tent wore a uniform you had never seen before. The golden lion on his chest was blinking in the early morning sun and the metal protecting his entire body reflected the light straight into your eyes. "If this isn't the woman who is currently warming Lord Stark's bed." He walked towards you and he placed his hand on your chin, forcing you to look up. "I can imagine that Lord Lannister will be very pleased when I present him my trofee of today."

"I'd rather die than fall into the hands of Lord Lannister!" You didn't know where the words came from and how you managed to keep your voice steady while your heart was racing in your chest.

The man started to laugh and he tightened his grip on your face. "I do have to admit that Lord Stark has an excellent taste in women." He moved a little closer towards you and you could smell his breath while his lips were only a few millimetres away from yours. "You are quite a beauty and on top of that you have that little bit of fire that will only lead to more pleasure between the sheets." He wanted to press his wet lips on yours, but right before he could do so a strong hand grabbed his hair and pulled him back.

"You didn't think you would be able to leave this battlefield alive with her, did you?" Robb pressed the cold metal of his shining sword to the man's throat. "I already knew that the Lannisters were filling their army with fools." He moved his sword and dark red blood streamed down his neck before he could say something, before he could answer. "I didn't know they have lowered themselves this much." Robb didn't attempt to catch the lifeless body when the man fell to the floor with wide open eyes.

You felt how your knees started trembling, how your hands started shaking, how even that small bit of confidence that had found a way out faded away now the threat was gone, dead.

"Are you okay?" Robb rushed towards you and he wrapped his arms around you to press you as tightly to his chest as possible. "I should have left a few soldiers in front of your tent, just to be sure. I never wanted them to get this far." He let a hand wander through your hair and you buried your face in his neck.

"He almost kissed me..." You swallowed and you felt the tears rolling down your cheeks while Robb rocked you back and forth in his strong arms. "Who knows what else he and the other soldiers would have done to me before bringing me to the Lannisters." Your voice was barely a whisper and you let your arms slide around Robb's waist to make sure you wouldn't collapse completely.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Robb's hand wandered over your back, caressing you as tenderly as possible, trying to make you feel as safe as possible. "They can't hurt you anymore. No one will ever be able to hurt you. I promise that I won't let that happen. I promise that I won't let anyone come near enough to even touch you." He stepped back and then he leaned towards you to press his soft lips to yours. "I'll keep you safe for as long as I live."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now