Robb Stark - "One more word and I'll punch you"

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You had your eyes closed while you enjoyed the little bit of warmth the sun could still give. Even though you were wearing your warmest clothes, you were shivering.

Just like Ned Stark had always promised Winter had come to Westeros and no one knew how long it would stay this time or what it would bring with it. Some whispered that the army of the death was marching towards the wall separating them from the living. Others said that all those tales were nothing but scary stories to keep the children inside.

Your eyes flashed open when a cold snowball landed in your unprotected neck. You didn't even need to turn around to know who had been throwing it and you rolled your eyes. "Robb Stark, are you trying to kill me? Again? Wasn't the cold death I died yesterday not bad enough already?"

A pair of strong arms slid around your waist and his lips touched your neck. "A war never consists of only one battle. Yesterday's game was only the beginning of a very very long fight." He kissed your neck again and then he bent down to grab another handful of fresh fallen snow.

"Robb!" You shook your head and turned around. "Stop acting like a little child! You're the lord of Winterfell! You're not supposed to be out here throwing snowballs in your girlfriend's neck or face or anywhere. Don't you have more important matters to worry about?"

The smile on Robb's face faded for a brief moment before it returned to its full glory. "I have plenty of important matters to worry about, but most of those matters are neither interesting nor pretty." His cold and almost frozen finger tapped the tip of your nose. Even though he was a Stark and more likely to survive this winter than anyone else, he was not completely immune to it.

"Marry the king in the North they said." You stared at him and crossed your arms over your chest. "It will be fun they said." You saw the dancing lights in his bright blue eyes. "You will get everything your heart desires they said."

Robb formed another snowball in his hands. "Are you now telling me that you regret marrying me because I am making the best out of the current situation?" He held the ball up in front of him. "One more word and I'll punch you."

You bit your lip and lifted your chin while you straightened your back. "I love you, Robb Stark, King in the North."

Robb cocked his head and he pushed the ice cold bundle of snow into your face. "I warned you." He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly to his chest. "What would you think about a nice warm bath?"

You wiped the snow from your face and let out a deep sigh. "After reacting like this on my declaration of eternal love, that's the very least you can do."

"Your wish is my command, my queen." Robb lifted you up and carried you back to Winterfell where no one even bothered to ask anymore what had happened.

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