Request - Robb Stark "I wanna go to the festival!"

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You couldn't bring yourself to stare at the huge wooden table and all the pies on it. Even without Robb's nameplate in front of it you would have recognized your pie without much effort. You were actually not feeling too well about the fact that Robb would have to eat that pie, but it was too late to bake something new. Apart from that you were certain that the new pie would not turn out much better than this one.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" The man spoke with a dark and deep voice and his words echoed all around you. "I welcome you to the 345th annual Winterfell Festival." He was interrupted by applause and he paused for a few seconds. "We open the festivities with the most delicious contest Westeros has ever known. Today all of our noble knights will honor the cooking skills of their ladies by showing us how fast they can eat their wonderful looking pies."

You felt your cheeks blushing, but you tried not to let anyone notice that you were a little ashamed of the pie Robb Stark, the eldest son of Ned Sterk Lord of Winterfell, would have to eat. You had not even dared to show him the pie before bringing it to the courtyard, claiming that the result was a surprise. You were not sure if he would actually appreciate your surprise.

"I present you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the wonderful fighters of Winterfell!" The man held out his hand and all the knights, dressed up in their full armor, entered the courtyard making their way to their spot behind the table.

Robb was wearing his helmet and his eyes were covered while he saw the pie you had baked him for the very first time. As soon as he was allowed to take of his helmet, it was clear however that he was not exactly looking forward to having to eat the pie that was in front of him.

You bent your head and tried to avoid his glance. Maybe you should have asked someone else to bake your pie, even though that was against the rules. Maybe you should have acted like you were too sick to stand in the kitchen for over an hour. Maybe you should have admitted that you were a terrible cook and that you had actually no idea how to bake a decent pie.

A smile was spreading across Robb's face though and he shook his head while his eyes met yours in the crowd.

You shrugged your shoulders and you licked your lips before you whispered a lot of sorry's.

The smile on Robb's face was only brightening and his eyes started to twinkle. He was probably secretly hoping that the pie would taste a lot better than it looked, even though you could already tell him that if he was hoping for that he should better get ready for another disappointment.

"Are all participants ready?" The dark, deep voice spoke again and all the knights nodded. "You can take your first bite in 3, 2, 1 and now!"

While all the men bent over their pies and started eating, Robb Stark didn't move an inch. Not that many people seemed to notice it, but Robb lifted his pie up and he made his way to the small stairs. Carefully, as if he was afraid to drop the pie, he walked towards you and while he stood in front of you he cocked his head slightly and raised his eyebrows.

"I think you did the right thing by deciding not to eat it." You scratched the back of your neck and you walked away from the cheering crowd while Robb followed you. "I am sorry for ruining your chances on winning the opening game of the festival."

"Well, I am not." Robb shrugged his shoulders and he used one hand to grab a piece of the pie. "Because there is one thing I enjoy more than eating pie." He paused for a short moment and a grin brightened his features. "Throwing pie." He placed the hand full of pie in your face and after a few moments of surprise you shook your head.

"Are you telling me that I spent a full hour in the kitchen only for you to throw the pie into my face?" You grabbed a handful of food too and threw it in his face too. "How dare you, Robb Stark?"

"You have to admit, now you can at least participate in the fun." Robb grabbed a new hand full of pie and you did the same. "And I wouldn't have won anyway, trust me."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now