Robb Stark - "I wish I could save you"

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Your chest was moving up and down rapidly while your heart was hammering against your ribs. Pearls of sweat covered your forehead and even though you were surrounded by snow you had the feeling you were burning on the inside. "Robb?" Your voice was barely a whisper while your knees were trembling and shaking, incapable of carrying your weight any longer. "Robb..."

Robb turned around and the smile on his face faded when he saw your face drained of all color. "(Y/N)?" He hurried towards you and before your legs gave up their fight against gravity he had his strong arms wrapped around you. "Don't worry, I've got you." His lips were almost touching your ear when he spoke and you wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in your throat.

"What's happening to me, Robb?" Tears were burning in your eyes and while you felt a painful tingling in the tips of your fingers you allowed a scream to escape your lips. "What's happening to me?" Salted drops of water were now rolling down your cheeks and you wrapped your arms around Robb's neck in a desperate attempt to not lose yourself completely in the overwhelming pain.

"Poison..." Robb hissed between his teeth and he tensed all his muscles. The veins in his neck were now visibly beating and he tightened his grip on you. "Someone poisoned you." He shook his head and he pressed the cold back of his hand to your cheek. "It's a two hour walk to Winterfell..." He didn't need to finish his sentence. "I don't know what poison they've used and I have no idea what the antidote could possibly be..." Robb swallowed and his lips were forming a straight line while his eyes turned glazy.

"Robb..." You swallowed the taste of iron away and your eyes met his. "It's not your fault..." You could barely breath. It was as if someone had put a heavy weight on your chest and no matter how much you tried you couldn't push it away, couldn't fight it. "You weren't the one poisoning me."

Robb licked his lips and eventually the tears started to escape his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. "I'm the King in the North. I should have known that if they wanted to get to me, they would use you to do so." He tucked some hair behind your ear and then he carefully sat down in the cold white snow and placed your head in his lip. "I should have protected you. I should have kept you save. I should have had someone tasting our food and drinks." He shook his head and his hands wandered over your body while you fought the spreading pain that had now reached your upper arms. "I wish I could save you..."

You tried to lift your hand up to touch his cheek, but your muscles refused to move and you groaned when the pain reached your shoulders. "It's okay, Robb, it's okay..." You tried to breath in between every word, but you couldn't get enough air to fill your lungs. "I know that you've always done everything you could to make me happy."

Robb leaned in and his forehead rested on yours while he pressed soft kisses on your lips. "I wish we had more time..." He kissed you again and again and again and not once did he worry about ending up sick himself. "There are so many things I have never said and so many things we have never done..."

You didn't know if the salted taste on your lips was caused by his tears or yours and you closed your eyes while your body started to give up. "I only need you to know that..." You swallowed and for one last time you tried to breath in. "That I love you." Your voice faded and the darkness and emptiness in your head grew stronger and stronger. "Goodbye, my King."

"Goodbye, my love."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now