Robb Stark (and Sansa Stark) - "You're a nerd"

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"Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want dragons to rule over Westeros, but somehow I am sorry that they are gone." Sansa pointed at a beautiful drawing in one of the countless books she had spread out in front of you. "They do look beautiful."

"Until they decide, or are commanded, to destroy an entire village, if not an entire Kingdom." You took a deep breath and you traced the sharp lines forming the fangs of the monster with your finger. "It's not hard to guess how the Targaryens were able to rule so long over Westeros." You curled your fingers up into a smile. "Somehow they were always fighting unfair."

Sansa giggled, but the two of you looked up when the door of the library was opened. "Robb!" Sansa raised her voice. "What are you doing here? Don't you have an important meeting or training to attend?" She shook her head. "This is girl talk, so leave."

Robb however ignored her completely and he positioned himself at your side his hand casually resting on your lower back. "I have to admit that this drawing doesn't exactly look like a popular subject for girl talk." He raised his eyebrows a little. "And how do you two dare to talk about dragons without me?" He curled his lips up into a smile and without realizing it you smiled back at him.

"Robb!" Sansa rolled her eyes. "Can't you grant me this one moment with (Y/N)?" She crossed her arms over her chest, but Robb seemed to ignore her completely. "You're always the one spending time with her and I know that it's because you love her, but she's my friend too. I want to spend time with her without you distracting her."

"Did you tell (Y/N) the wonderful stories about the ice dragons already?" Robb had flickering lights in his bright blue eyes when his glance met his sister's. A laugh escaped his lips when Sansa stuck out her tongue. "We all know that the stories about the fire dragons are true, but if you think the fire dragons were scary already, you haven't heard about the ice dragons." He let his eyes wander over the books Sansa had gathered and he flipped through a few of them before he found the story he was talking about. "See? They were even larger than the ones the Targaryens had." He cocked his head slightly and he pressed his side to yours. "And instead of breathing out fire, they breathe out those cold winds that are even worse that blizzard storms."

"Robb..." Sansa grabbed the book and closed it. "We know you're a nerd. You don't have to prove it. If you want to talk about ice dragons with (Y/N), you can do so tonight." She placed her hands on her brother's shoulders and not so gently she guided him towards the door again.

"I'm not leaving without a kiss, sis." Robb freed himself from her embrace and after pressing a soft kiss to your lips he rushed out of the door himself. "Enjoy yourselves with the fire dragons, but I assure you, ice dragons are way cooler."

You grinned and Sansa's shoulder brushed yours. "Don't encourage him!" She clicked her tongue. "Just because you love him, it doesn't mean you should always pick his side." She shook her head once more. "Where were we?"

"We were talking about how the Targaryens were technically always fighting unfair."

"Ow yes! Exactly!"

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