Robb Stark - "They're monsters"

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Your heart was rapidly beating in your chest while you hurried towards the man you loved more than you could ever put into words. Only a few minutes ago the news of Lord Stark's death had reached you and while you ran through the hallways it was as if Winterfell had gone completely silent.

"I will kill them all." Robb cried in the arms of his mother and the lights in his bright blue eyes had dimmed completely. "Every one of them." He sniffed in between every word and for a moment you just stared at him, at the boy forced to be a man way before he was ready to be one.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, but I know that those words are not what you want to hear right now." You bent your head while Robb straightened his back.

His cheeks were covered in salted tears and his eyes were red and swollen. "The Lannisters will pay for this." He hissed between his teeth and then he let his mother go to walk towards you. "They're monsters. They're all monsters." He took a few deep breaths, but he wrapped his arms around you in a grip that almost made it impossible for you to breath.

You let your hands wander through his hair, through his dark brown curls. You wanted to whisper soothing words to calm his rage. You wanted to tell him that this was a war he probably couldn't win. You knew better than anyone what it was to lose the people you cared about and a shiver rolled down your spine when you realized that if Robb would start a war with the Lannisters, he might be the next person you cared about taken away from you.

"My father was a good person." Robb buried his nails in your back and his head rested on your shoulder. "He didn't deserve this."

You kept all your thoughts and fear to yourself. You understood the anger that was racing through his veins. You understood his will to do something, to change the world, to avenge his father's death, to make sure his sisters would be rescued from the claws of those Lions. All of your warnings, all of your attempts to stop him from doing what felt right to him, would probably just end a damaged relationship. You didn't have the illusion that you would be able to stop him. You also didn't have the illusion that you could do anything to change his faith. "You're the heir of Winterfell now, Robb. You have the entire North waiting for your orders."

Robb looked up and his eyes met yours. The usual lights were now replaced by a burning fire, reflecting the rage that consumed his entire soul. "After everything you've been through, will you be there for me? No matter how this ends?" Robb spoke softly, his lips trembling a little after his last word.

"I will always be there for you, Robb. No matter how this ends." You nodded at him and closed your eyes while Robb leaned forward to kiss you. You could taste the salt on his lips, but you kissed him back, knowing all too well that you had to enjoy each and every moment the two of you would share during the upcoming days, maybe weeks.

Because each and every moment, could be the very last.

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now