Request - Robb Stark "The price of war"

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"Can you please forgive me?" His knee touched the cold floor and his forehead almost rested on his upper leg. "I know I shouldn't have fallen for the love of another woman. I know I shouldn't have given in to the temptation to hold a female body. I know I shouldn't have shown any weaknesses in a time of war."

You turned your head away from him and stared at the courtyard, which was filled with people. You knew that every man here in Westeros had cheated on his wife at least once. You knew that even Robb's father, Ned Stark, betrayed the love he had felt for Catelyn one time. You knew that you were supposed to forgive him.

But forgiving him was not as easy as it seemed.

"Even though I have given my body to someone else, my heart has always been loyal to you." He kept on bending his head. He kept on avoiding your glance. "Even though I have shared my bed with someone else, I have only longed for your warmth."

"Do I have any other choice, Robb?" You shook your head and you took a few deep breaths. "What will happen to me when I can't forgive you? What will happen to me when I decide I don't want to live with you anymore? What will happen to me when I say that I will never share a bed with you again?"

Robb didn't answer. He only bent his head even more. He really seemed to regret what had happened during the war. He really seemed to regret that he had exchanged your love for someone else's. It did however not erase the memory of him kissing another woman.

"I will tell you what happens." You continued, straightening your back and lifting your chin. "I will be thrown out of Winterfell. No man will ever love me again. I will end up homeless or if I am lucky Petyr Bealish will offer me a job." You took a few deep breaths. "If I won't manage to forgive you I will be the one being punished and not you."

"It will never happen again, I promise." Robb didn't dare to move. "I promise I will never touch another woman again. I promise I will never kiss another woman again. I promise I will never ever look at another woman again."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Robb." You kneeled down in front of him and grabbed his chin to force him to look up. "You're a man and men stare at pretty women when they cross their path." You let his face go and grabbed his hands to help him to stand up. "I would already be happy with being the only one who is allowed to touch and kiss you."

"You have my word, my lady." Robb placed a hand on your cheek and his eyes stared straight into yours. "No woman will ever be touched by those hands but you. No woman will ever be kissed by those lips but you. No woman will ever be loved by this heart but you." He pressed his forehead to yours and he leaned in a little, but you stepped back.

"I will grant you the chance to prove your loyalty." You cocked your head slightly and licked your lips. "I hereby sentence you, Robb Stark, to the guest room for the upcoming month. You will overthink your sin and will prove me that even though we are married you are still willing to fight for me."

"I won't disappoint you, my lady."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now