Robb Stark - "Life is ours, we live it our way."

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For years you had already known that this moment would come, that one day Ned and Catelyn Stark would decide that their eldest son, the heir of Winterfell, had to marry a girl of their choice. During each romantic picnic in the Godswoods, you had told yourself that you had to enjoy each moment to the fullest. During each time he had taken you out for a horse-ride, you had reminded yourself that one day he would no longer be able to do that. During each dance, you had tried to remember that it was better to not get used to the warmth and comfort of his touch.

But it was impossible to not fall in love with Robb Stark. It was impossible to not fall for his charm, for the playful smile dancing around his lips constantly, for the glimmering lights in his bright blue eyes, deeper than the narrow sea.

You hoped he was allowed to marry someone who could make him happy, someone who could make him smile during the saddest of times, someone who could encourage him when the future seemed hopeless, someone who could turn ensuring the succession of the Stark name into something pleasant, something he wanted, something he could enjoy.

"(Y/N)?" Robb stood still at the edge of the woods. Even though he was still a few metres away of where you stood the deep blue of his eyes was hard to miss. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" He walked towards you and he shook his head while he placed his hands on your shoulders. "You shouldn't leave Winterfell without letting me know. It's not safe out here."

You felt your heart racing in your chest and no matter how much you liked the idea that whatever there was between the two of you wouldn't change, you knew that the longer you would allow it to continue, the harder it would be to let it go eventually. "I'm perfectly fine, Robb." You curled your fingers around his wrists and forced him to let your shoulders go while you stepped back. "There was no need to come and look for me."

"I had every need to come and look for you!" Robb interrupted you and he grabbed your hands to pull you towards him again. "I have exciting news that I wanted to share. I want you to be the first to hear it." He curled one arm around your waist and he used the other one to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear.

"Robb..." You took a deep breath and bent your head. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest and you fought the urge to lean on the tips of your toes so you could kiss his lips until they would be red and swollen. "I hope she'll love you as much as you deserve." You turned your head away from him, but Robb grabbed your chin and forced you to look back at him.

"I am certain that she will." He locked his glance with yours and his lips curled up into the brightest smile you had ever seen him smile. "If she accepts my humble marriage proposal, that is." He stepped back and reached for the small crossbow that had dangled on his back all this time.

You dropped your jaw and for the first time in your entire life you had the feeling that you had completely forgotten how to breath. "I thought you would get married to some highborn lady..." You shook your head, but with trembling hands you grabbed the crossbow and pressed it to your chest.

"You might not be as high born as my parents had wanted for me, but life is ours. We live it our way." Robb cocked his head and his curls danced around his face. "I want you as my wife and no one else. I don't care what the other lords think about it. I don't care what this means for the future of Winterfell. What we have is special and I am not giving up on that."

You dropped the crossbow on the ground and then you wrapped your arms around his neck before you kissed him. "You have no idea how happy you just made me."

Robb placed his hands on your back to press you as tightly to his chest as possible. "And you have no idea how glad I am to hear that."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now