Advent Event - "Back to you" by Selena Gomez with Robb Stark

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And I gotta convince myself I don't want it
Even though I do

"My father has be killed by monsters. We will make sure their rule ends here and now!" Robb raised his voice and everyone who had gathered in the throne room cheered in response.

You felt a certain kind of pride while watching him, standing in front of this crowd, a boy who had grown into a man and was leading an army into a revolution that had been brewing for a while already.

But you also knew that revolutions killed people. From all the soldiers who would march to the south, too many would never see their homes again. And maybe one of the people who wouldn't see his home again was Robb.

You tried not to think about it too much, about the possibility of losing him, about the possibility of never seeing him again. After all, that's why you had never admitted how you felt about him. That's why you had convinced yourself that your love was nothing but a crush that would pass when the years would go by.

I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else

That's why you had never fought for his love. You had never tried to conquer his heart. And you had not protested when your parents had arranged a marriage with one of the handsome young men serving the Starks in Winterfell.

Servants didn't have to fight battles. Servants didn't die on battlefields far away from home, covered in blood of their friends and enemies, screaming for their mothers who were weeping at home, praying that their sons wouldn't be the next to go.

But despite all your and your husband's attempts to make your marriage work and to create a loving home for your future children, you couldn't keep Robb Stark out of your head.

At night you were wondering how it would feel to have his hands wandering over your entire body. When you closed your eyes you envisioned his lips kissing the sensitive skin of your neck. And sometimes you heard an imaginary version of him whispering sweet nothings and promises in your ear.

Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I'll regret it if I didn't say

"Robb..." As soon as the meeting was over you walked towards him. Your hands shook and your lips trembled, but you feared that if you wouldn't speak up right now, wouldn't at least tell him something, you'd never get the chance again.

There was no future for the two of you. He was the lord of Winterfell and you were married to one of his servants, but somehow you wanted him to know that in another time and somewhere else you and him could have happened.

"That was an inspirational speech there." You nodded at him. "I wish you didn't have to give it and..." You hesitated. "I wished you didn't have to go there and fight a war."

"I wish so many things, but most wishes don't come true." He locked his glance with yours and you saw that old crush he had had on you flickering in his eyes.

You let out a deep sigh. "Love is not enough to make a marriage work." You reached for his hand and it was only when the tips of your fingers touched that you realized it was highly inappropriate.

"And, does a lack of love make a marriage work?" He cocked his head and you stared at your own feet.

"Maybe in another life we'll find each other again and get our chance to find happiness." You stepped back and forced yourself to smile at him. "But please, don't make that happen too soon."

Robb smiled back at you, even though his eyes didn't smile along. "Not before the Lannisters are erased from this world."

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