Robb Stark - Garland

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"Robb!" You walked into the great hall and shook your head when you noticed the eldest Stark son. "What happened to you?"

"I tried to decorate the Christmas tree." Robb turned around. His hair was a mess and a garland was tangled around his body. "I'm obviously not very good at it."

"It depends." You walked towards him and you placed your hands on his chest. "If you were the Christmas tree you did a pretty great job."

"Well, I'm not the Christmas tree." Robb blushed, his arms were stuck and he was clearly feeling more than just a little uncomfortable. "I think I'm not the Christmas tree at least."

You smiled and you slowly started to untangle the garland. "You'd be a very handsome Christmas tree, but I have a better job for you this Christmas."

"O?" Robb wrapped his arms around your waist as soon as you had freed them and he pulled you closer towards him. "What kind of job?"

"I was thinking about my personal teddybear." You tapped the tip of his nose and cocked your head slightly. "After all, Winter is Coming." You leaned towards him and pressed your lips to his.

"Yes, Winter is Coming." Robb smiled into your kiss and his hands rubbed your back. "But I'll keep you warm. I promise I'll make a very handsome teddybear."

"I know you'll do."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now