Robb Stark - "I don't want you to stop"

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You had heard all the stories and songs about the epic battles brave men fought. You had seen the women crying and weeping when their husbands, whether or not they had actually loved them, didn't return to them. But somehow those stories and songs, this crying and weeping had always seemed part of another life, of someone else's life.

Now you were surrounded by the smell of war, the screams of war, the sounds of war. You were surrounded by tents, by men who probably wouldn't return home. You were constantly aware of the risks, of an unexpected attack that could happen at any time, even when you were asleep.

"I might be wrong, but I get the impression that someone starts to regret begging me to come along." Robb wrapped his arms around you and his soft lips kissed your neck. He had grown years older during the last few months. He had mostly grown up during the last few months. He had been a boy when you had fallen in love with him, but now he was a man, a man inspiring an entire army, a man crowned a King.

You kept silent for a moment while you felt a shiver rolling down your spine. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Your voice was barely a whisper and you weren't even sure if Robb could hear you, but he tightened his grip around you. "I know that war is far from pretty and I know that it's not really a place for a lady, but I also know that staying at home would be far worse than being here."

"Somehow I want you to know that I disagree with that." Robb took a deep breath. "In a way I am happy to have you here, but somehow there is this lingering fear that I might lose you some day."

"You're at war with the Lannisters. The North has declared you their King and has officially turned you into a traitor in Jeoffrey's eyes. I would say that there is a bigger chance I end up losing you." You pause for a moment and turned around so you could face him. "And that is why I want to be here, with you." You softened your voice and you placed a hand in his neck. "I don't want to sit at home and pretend that everything is alright. I don't want to wait for you to come home or for someone to tell me that you have died days ago." You took a deep breath and cocked your head slightly. "And maybe I also want to enjoy as many small moments of happiness as possible, because I don't know how many more of them we will have."

Robb's arms slid around your waist and he pulled you as close to him as humanly possible. "If I could end this war and could go back home to live a long and happy life with you, I would do so. But I'm afraid it's a little too late for that."

You curled your lips up into a smile and leaned on the tips of your toes so you could press a soft kiss on his lips. "I don't want you to stop, Robb." You shook your head and kissed him again. "I want you to avenge your father. I want you to free your sisters. I want you to kill all the Lannisters, one by one if you have to." You closed your eyes and as soon as Robb leaned in to kiss you back you forgot the world for a short moment. "I know that the only way to end this, is to win this war." You swallowed. "And to win this war, you have to risk losing it."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now