Robb Stark - "I lost our baby"

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In less than a few seconds the entire world around you lost it's color. The light faded, the sun was clouded by dark black thunderclouds, the happiness that had accompanied you for the last few months was completely gone.

You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to disappear to a place where you wouldn't feel anything, where you wouldn't feel the pain, the anger, the devastating and overwhelming grief for someone who you had never met but only felt.

"(Y/N)!" Robb rushed into your bedroom when he saw your pale white face and the salted tears on your cheeks. "What happened?" He wrapped his arms around your trembling and shaking body and his hand went through your hair.

"I lost our baby..." You didn't know how you managed to say the words, how you could speak without collapsing completely, how you could tell him the painful truth that was slowly destroying you from the inside out. "He's gone. She's gone..." You buried your face in his neck and you could feel him tensing all his muscles under your tight embrace. "I'm so sorry..." You didn't know why you apologized, why you felt like you were to blame for this even though you had been assured that there had been nothing you could have done to prevent this.

For a moment Robb didn't say a word. He kept silent and his hand moved absentmindedly over your back. Maybe he had been looking forward to this child even more than you had done. As if it had been the most important task in the world he had helped you with getting the nursery ready. He had made sure to contact the most caring and best women in Westeros to take care of his eldest child. He had whispered wonderful names in your ear he had thought to be fitting for the small miracle that had been growing inside of you.

And now that dream was gone. The child was gone. The child had died even before it had been born.

"I'm so sorry..." You whispered the words again and again and again, until they had lost all meaning, until Robb didn't even hear them anymore.

"It's not your fault, (Y/N)." Robb's voice was barely a whisper and his eyes, normally filled with those dancing little lights, were now red and swollen and blurred with tears. "I know that you've done everything you could to take care of our little one." His voice broke on the last few words and his grip around you tightened. "I'm so sorry too..." He let his head rest on your shoulder and for a few long minutes the two of you just stood there, holding each other, knowing that there would be forever a hole in both your hearts that could never be filled again.

"You would have been such an amazing father." You eventually stuttered and once again countless tears were rolling down your cheeks.

"And you would have been such an amazing mother." Robb sniffed in between every word and he tightened his grip around you. "You will be one day..." He swallowed, knowing all too well that no matter how many children the two of you would end up having in the future, not one of them could replace the one you had lost without having the chance to hold it, to meet it, to know it.

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now