Robb Stark - "How could I ever forget about you?"

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 Sequel to: "I tried my best not to feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed."

"Is everything alright?" You frowned your eyebrows when Robb entered your tent without bothering to ask if he could come in.

His lips were forming a straight line and the usual lights in his bright blue eyes were now invisible. Traces of blood, probably from his enemies, covered his handsome face and his hair, wet from sweating and from the pouring rain, was glued to his forehead.

"What happened?" You swallowed and you felt a shiver rolling down your spine. You had never seen Robb like this before, and you had seen him in many different states, wearing many different expressions on his face.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)..." His voice was nothing but a soft whisper and with slow steps he walked towards you so he could wrap his arms around your body. "I tried to reach him in time, but I was too late..." He shook his head and his hands rubbed your back even though he had not managed to tell you yet why he was comforting you, why he was attempting to dry tears you had not even cried yet. "Your husband..." He paused for a moment while he stepped back, his hands resting on your shoulders. "I'm afraid he didn't survive today's battle."

You stopped breathing for a moment and you allowed the words to sink in. But while you were waiting for the overwhelming sadness to consume you, you realized that even though there were tears burning in your eyes, there was also a slight bit of relief coming over you. At least you would never have to explain why you always hesitated when his hands wandered over your body. At least you would never have to explain why you spent so much time in Robb's tent, even though you knew next to nothing about this war. At least you would never have to explain why your heart would never fully be his, why a part of your heart, the biggest part, would always belong to the boy, now a man, you had already loved when you had not known that you couldn't decide yourself who to marry.

"It is okay to be sad about him, (Y/N)." Robb spoke softly and he let his hand wander through your hair. "Despite all the nights we've shared lately, it is okay to be sad about him." He pressed a few soft kisses to your forehead, but no matter how much you tried, the burning tears didn't escape your eyes, didn't roll down your cheeks.

"I am sad." You eventually placed your hands on Robb's back. "I'm sad about losing a friend. I'm sad about you losing a great warrior. I'm sad that his family will never see him again." You paused for a short moment. "But he wasn't half of my heart and there is not one part of my soul that died with him." You took a deep breath. "No matter how much I tried to love him as much as I loved you, you have always been half of my soul and you have always had half of my heart. How could I ever forget about you? How could I ever forget Robb Stark, who made me forget everything I wanted to say, who made me feel the happiest I have ever been in my entire life?"

Robb froze for a moment and he kept quiet while seconds, or maybe even minutes, passed. "If I ever die on that battlefield, if the Lannisters somehow claim my life..." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before he pressed the palms of his hands to your cheeks. "I hope it won't be before I have made you officially my wife."

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