Request - Robb Stark "A Stolen Moment"

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"(Y/N)!" Robb almost forgot to knock on the wooden door of his sister's room. "(Y/N)! You need to help me!" He was completely out of breath and the vein in his neck was visibly beating. "Grey Wind is gone. I can't find him anywhere." He shook his head and he placed a hand to the doorpost. "You have to help me find him."

You frowned your eyebrows while you exchanged a look with Sansa. You had been working on your embroidery and you finally started to get the hang of it, but a missing dire wolf seemed important enough to put the work down for a while. "I'm not sure if I can be much of a help." You stood up from your seat and you nervously straightened your dress.

"Of course you can help me!" Robb raised his voice and he grabbed your hand to pull you with him to the courtyard. "Two pairs of eyes see more than one." He lead you to the stables where his horse was already waiting for the two of you. "I hope Grey Wind has not gone too far, but I think it's best to take the horse just in case." He stared at you and you nodded. He carefully put his hands on your waist and smoothly he lifted you up to place you on the horse's back.

"Are you sure you won't be faster without me?" Your hands were sweating and nervously you looked around, wondering why no one else seemed to panic. Even though you knew the wolves wouldn't harm a living soul, you had imagined no one wanted to take the risk to let them roam freely outside the walls of Winterfell.

"I don't doubt I would be faster without you." Robb sat down behind you and his arms touched your body while he grabbed the reins to demand the horse to start walking. "I do however need someone to ride the horse back when we find Grey Wind."

You nodded and you wondered why he had not simply asked Theon, who was a far better rider than you would ever be. You were not even sure if you would be able to guide the horse home without ending up on the ground at least once.

Robb however didn't seem to have any second thoughts. He demanded the horse to ride faster and faster and the wind blew through your hair.

Grey Wind had chosen a perfect afternoon to get lost, you had to admit. Your cheeks were warmed by the late summer sun and the sky was blue as far as your eyes reached. "Do you see something already?" You squeezed your eyes a little and wondered where you would hide if you would have been a wolf.

"I do see a lot of things, but I do not see Grey Wind yet." Robb sounded a little absentmindedly. The Wolf had been with him for quite some time now and everyone had noticed how much Robb cared for him. He probably cared for the Wolf more than for any human.

But no matter how much time passed, Grey Wind was nowhere to be seen. Either the Wolf had found an excellent hiding place or he had simply run too fast to catch up with him.

"Robb, the sun is setting..." You shivered and the colors of the sky were slowly changing. Even though you were not afraid of the dark, you would prefer being inside the gates again before dark.

"I know, we're almost back at Winterfell again." His voice was nothing but a soft whisper. He was clearly trying to hide his disappointment, but since he had not found Grey Wind yet, it was undoubtedly there.

"I'm sorry we didn't find him." You turned your face towards him and you frowned your eyebrows when you saw a smile brightening his features. "Robb Stark, why are you smiling?" You cocked your head and the smile turned into a laugh.

"I'm not sorry we didn't find him." Robb shrugged his shoulders and he lead the horse back through the gates of Winterfell. "He had never been lost." He jumped of his horse and then he held out his arms to catch you when you did the same. "I just wanted to spend some time with my best friend and I know you had important things to do, so I decided I simply had to come up with something more important."

"So, I've been looking the entire afternoon for a dire wolf that wasn't even lost?" You rolled your eyes and you crossed your arms over your chest. "I pity the girl who will have to marry you." You walked passed him and your shoulder brushed his slightly and his hand grabbed your wrist to force you to turn around.

"You do have to admit it was a nice afternoon." The lights in his eyes twinkled and your lips curled up into a smile.

"It was a nice afternoon indeed."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now