December Gifts: Robb Stark - Necklace

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The sun set behind the green hills surrounding the camp that was now your home for way too long already. The soldiers were growing bored and tired. They had played too many games of poker already and no matter how many battles they won they couldn't shake the feeling that they were losing the war.

You missed your parents and the rest of your family, but despite the lack of good food and despite the cold that was slowly catching up with you, you couldn't bring yourself to regret your decision to go with Robb when he had to leave Winterfell to avenge his father.

"Are you longing for home?" Robb sat down next to you in the grass. Darkness was surrounding you and he pressed his hip to yours when he noticed you were shivering. "I wish there was an easy way to end this war and return to the North." He turned towards you and smiled. "Even though it's probably much colder up there."

You smiled back at him. Despite the slight sadness in your heart you felt happy when he was near you, when he touched you, when he reminded you that he was the man you loved. "We have become quite good at keeping each other warm. I'm sure that together we can make it through even the coldest winter."

Robb wrapped an arm around your shoulder and for a moment there was nothing but silence. Ever since he had started realizing that winning battles wasn't gonna win him the war the frown on his forehead deepened and deepened.

At first you had been capable of making it disappear with kisses, with your hands touching his naked skin, with your body and your love. Now not even your touches and kisses could distract him from the constant worries plaguing his mind.

"I shouldn't have asked you to come with me." Robb was the first to speak again and his voice was weak and barely hearable.

"I would have been offended if you hadn't." You placed a hand on his upper leg. "I don't want to be anywhere other than right here, right now, with you." You softened your voice and you pressed your body to his. "And I hope you are happy that I am by your side through those hard times."

Robb nodded and then he put his hand in the pocket of his pants. "I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone but you." He opened his fist and your jaw dropped when you noticed the silver necklace he was now holding. "This once belonged to my mother. She asked me to give it to you, because we all want you to know that you are part of our family. You are a Stark."

You held your breath and then you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his soft lips. "I love you, Robb Stark."

"I love you too."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now