Robb Stark - "There is some good in the world and it's worth fighting for"

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Your head rested on his naked chest while your finger absentmindedly drew circles on his skin. You knew that this moment of happiness wouldn't last as long as you would want it to last. At some point reality would catch up with you again, war would catch up with you again and this calm before the storm would become nothing but a vague memory. You knew that maybe you would have to wait another few days or weeks or even longer until you could sleep in his arms again. You knew that you had to enjoy it while it would last, because some day he might not come back at all.

"What concerning thought is bothering you, love?" Robb's voice was barely a whisper while his hand wandered through your hair.

You kept your eyes closed and let out a sigh. The last thing you wanted was ruining this perfect moment by a depressive talk that wouldn't change anything in the end. You knew that no matter what you would say and no matter what you would do, he would not turn around and march back to Winterfell.

He had come too far for that. He had tried too hard for that. He had an entire army that wanted to finish what they had started. But there were only two possible outcomes and neither of those sounded very appealing. Either he would end on the iron throne, ruling the seven Kingdoms, but forced to look over his shoulder constantly. Or he would not live to tell the tales of all the epic battles he had fought.

"I wish life could always be like this. I wish it could always be this serene, this calm, this happy." You eventually opened your eyes and your glance met his.

He had his lips curled up into a slight smile and for a moment the lights in his eyes dimmed a little as if he understood the meaning behind your words. "I like to think that when all of this is over, serenity, calm and happiness is waiting for us." The twinkle returned to his glance. "I like to envision a world where our kids can grow up without having to be afraid of anything or anyone." He swallowed. "There is some good in the world and it's worth fighting for."

"If only that goodness in the world would one day chase the darkness and violence away." You spoke softly, the tips of your fingers now playing with one of his nipples. "But the endless circle of killing and war has been going on for as long as we can all remember. What makes you think that you might be the one to end it?"

Robb kissed your forehead and he tightened his grip on you. "If I wouldn't think that I can end it, this would be a useless and pointless fight without a winner in the very end." He took a deep breath and grabbed your chin. "If I wouldn't think that there is still good in this world I would not be able to fight. I would only be terrified that I would never return to you." He closed his eyes and kissed your lips. "I'm fighting for a happy end. For you. For me. And I hope one day for our children too."

You curled your lips up into a smile and placed your head on his chest again. "Can we dread this moment a little longer, please?"

Robb's hands rubbed your back, moving lower and lower until they rested on your hips. "Yes, we can and I know exactly how."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now