Robb Stark - "No. Regrets."

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There was a certain beauty to the sunrise, to the morning light brightening the lands around Winterfell, to the enchanting colors playing a mesmerizing game in the sky. But despite the beauty and despite the magic, the sunrise was also the time of the day you hated most.

"I can't believe that every hour I spend with you seems to go twice as fast as every other hour of the day." Robb pushed himself up and the salted drops of sweat on his naked chest glimmered like small pearls of pure diamond.

"I wish you wouldn't have to go." You pushed yourself up too and used the bright white bedsheet to cover your naked body. "Or I wish that I could go with you so we would also be spending the dull and boring moments of the day together."

For a moment Robb kept silent while his mesmerizing blue eyes glanced at you as if he would never see you again. "If only I had not been the lord of Winterfell." He stretched out his hand and a shiver rolled down your spine while the tips of his fingers caressed your sensitive skin to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "If only I had been able to choose who to love and who to marry. If only there was a way to convince my parents that I want you by my side and no one else."

You curled your lips up into a slight smile and you let your hands slid around his waist. You didn't mind the sheet dropping slightly, revealing parts of your body that Robb had already seen, touched and kissed countless times before. "I do believe that we were simply born in the wrong world to get our happy ending, but I do not believe that it should keep us from sharing those moments we can steal." You let your lips linger above his and you enjoyed the warmth of his breath touching your nose.

With one firm movement he presses his mouth to yours and you held your breath while you closed your eyes to allow yourself to give in to his kiss, his touch, his love. He created a long path of kisses from your mouth, to your cheek, to your collarbone and your shoulder. "If only it was that easy to ignore my heart and feelings, to ignore how deeply I love you, to ignore how badly I want you."

You moaned and threw your head in your neck while you felt each and every nerve in your body reacting to his hands and lips. "Neither your parents nor mine have ever promised us that our lives will be easy." You took a deep breath while his mouth moved a little lower and you paused for a short moment. "But despite there being no chance to ever find our happy ending..." You stopped breathing for a few seconds while your heart was racing in your chest. "I will never regret a moment spent with you."

Robb looked up and his eyes met yours while he curled his fingers around your wrists and carefully he pressed your back into the mattress. "Maybe I should let my father know that I will stay in bed today because I have caught a horrible headache." He placed his knees on both sides of your hips and there was a small glimmering in his bright blue eyes that made you smile. "With absolutely..." He kissed your stomach and placed his hands in your sides. "No. Regrets."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now