Robb Stark - "Stop being so cute"

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"Are you enjoying yourself, my lady?" Robb leaned a little towards you and his blue eyes seemed even brighter in the flickering candle light. He had his lips curled up into a charming smile and his hand, gently and tender, rested on your leg, invisible for any prying eyes. "Did I already tell you that I have never seen you as beautiful as tonight?" He spoke softly, whispering words only meant for your ears to hear and your cheeks heated up while you avoided his glance.

When you had fallen in love with the heir of Winterfell, years ago, when your paths had accidentally crossed because of your father's job, you had not dared to think that one day you would share his table, that one day he would introduce you to his family and the entire North as his future wife, that one day you would be kissed by those soft lips, whispering all those wonderful words melting your heart.

"I understand that those balls can be quite overwhelming." Robb leaned back in his chair, more comfortable than you would probably ever be, and he took a sip of the wine, served in pure gold. "I remember my first ball all too well and I will admit that I was relieved that my parents had not even allowed me to stay until the very end." The smile on his face had something boyish, something playful, something that made the future heir of Winterfell almost only human.

"I am more afraid of what all those people might think of me." You bent your head and avoided his glance. You and Robb had had this conversation more often and every time you dared to bring up that you were afraid that you were not enough for him, Robb came up with an impressively long list with reasons why you were the best the North had to offer. "I know that you think highly of me and I know that your parents wouldn't have allowed me to be here tonight if they had had anything against me, but all I see are women who are more important than I am, are ladies prettier than I can be and girls more deserving of your hand than I am."

Robb kept silent for a moment and he tightened his grip on your upper leg. "I have not seen any woman more important to me than you will ever be." He locked his glance with you and you almost drowned in those bright blue eyes. "I have not seen any lady prettier than I believe you to be." He lifted his hand up and pressed the sweating palm to your warm cheek. "And there will never be anyone more deserving of my hand than you are." He spoke softly, abusing the distraction the music and the food provided or simply forgetting that there were countless people staring at you. "I do have to admit that could partly be because I have not seen anyone but you, but I don't need to see anyone to know that no one is happier than I am, right this moment, with you by my side and the promise of a shared future."

Your heart was racing in your chest, hammering against your ribs. The tight corset of your dress made it almost impossible to take deep breaths, but right now you didn't feel the need to breathe anyway. "I am just me and I hope that you know that I would have loved you just as much if you had not been the heir of Winterfell, if you had not thrown me a ball to announce our engagement, if you had not promised me more than I have ever wished or longed for."

Robb cocked his head and his warm breath reached your cold nose. "If I were you I would stop being so cute." The dancing lights in his eyes were not just the reflection of the flickering flames of the candles on the tables, on the walls. "Unless you prefer finding a more quiet spot where I can not only tell, but also show you that there will never be a woman I love as much as I love you."

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