Robb Stark - "They're so cute when they're asleep"

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You had your arms crossed over your chest while you allowed yourself to stare at him. You had seen him happy before. You had seen him smile a charming smile when the two of you had officially promised each other to share the rest of your lives together. You had seen him smile a beautiful grin when he had made love to you under the thousands of stars above Winterfell. You had seen him smile a lovely smirk when you had told him that the future heir of Winterfell was growing inside you.

But the smile that covered his face while he leaned over the two little cribs in your shared bedroom was different. It was as if the sun, the moon and the stars had gathered all their light and had put it in his eyes. It was as if a certain kind of calm had come over him, making him look more at ease than he had ever seemed before. It was as if he was watching over his entire world, over everything that really mattered to him.

"They're so cute when they're asleep, aren't they?" You interrupted the silence and placed your hand on his shoulder. "I would enjoy this moment to the fullest if I were you, because I am afraid they will grow older quite fast and we both know that little Starks do not always stay cute when they grow up." You winked and pressed a soft kiss to his bearded cheek.

"I wouldn't want them to stay cute for the rest of their lives." Robb spoke softly and he straightened his back to make sure he wouldn't wake his children up. "No matter how much I love the North and no matter how beautiful Winterfell might be, Westeros has never been easy on anyone and I would be naive to believe that it would be easy on my children, on my future heir." He stepped back and the smile on his face faded, as if he thought of all the possible disasters that could cross their paths, as if he thought of the fear they would undoubtedly know, as if he thought of the pain and losses they would undoubtedly face.

"We will protect them as long as we can, Robb." You spoke softly and you grabbed his arm to pull him a little closer towards you. "I know that we can't protect them forever, but until we have no other choice, I want them to believe that the world is good and beautiful and safe." You swallowed. "I want them to not be afraid of any stranger that knocks on our gate. I want them to not be afraid of climbing the walls to enjoy the view. I want them to not be afraid of all those greedy kings thinking they can bring us down."

"That's what my father wanted for me and my siblings. It's what his father wanted for him." Robb took a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh air. "But at some point their world will collapse and they will discover that they are never safe, not even within the walls of their own home."

"I know." You agreed with him and you let your head rest on his shoulder. "But we haven't reached that point yet and I will dread reaching it for as long as I can, because not only do I think they are cute when they're asleep, I also think you are cute when you are watching over them like this." You leaned on the tips of your toes to kiss his lips and Robb smiled a little smile while he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

"The world is not all bad, though." His nose brushed yours and his bright blue eyes locked themselves with yours. "You're part of this world too and you're beautiful." He turned his head towards the cribs once more. "And so are they."

You smiled back at him and cocked your head a little while you let your hand rest in his neck. "And so are you."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now