Robb Stark - "Do you trust me?"

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"I've made a decision." Robb tightened his grip on both your hands and he locked his glance with yours. His palms were sweating and he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. "I will talk to my parents about this, about us, about what I feel for you, about what you feel for me." His chest was moving up and down rapidly and he took a few deep breaths before he straightened his back and lifted his chin. "I know that you're probably not the future wife my parents had in mind for me, but I hope that somehow my happiness is important to them too."

You widened your eyes and stared at him. There were a thousand things you wanted to say, but you didn't know where to start. You didn't know which sentence was more important than the other ones. "You would want to do that for me?" Your voice was nothing but a soft whisper and you looked up at Robb with your jaw slightly dropped. "You would ask your parents if you can marry me instead of some noble born lady from a way more important family than mine?"

"Yes, I would do that for you. I would do everything for you." Robb shook his head and he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "And I know that you would do everything for me. I'm certain that mother can teach you everything you need to know about Winterfell and I'm certain that you would make the perfect Lady to rule this castle with me."

Your heart was hammering in your chest, but it grew in size with each compliment Robb directed at you. You had never seen yourself as a Lady. You had never seen yourself as a ruler, as a leader, but you did know that you loved Robb Stark, that you loved him more than anyone and anything else in the world. If learning how to be a lady would guarantee that you and Robb could have the happy ending you had never even dared to dream about, you would do it. "Do you really think it will work? Do you really think that your parents will allow us to marry?"

Robb shrugged his shoulders, but his lips curled up into a smile. "My parents know that nothing is as important as love. They know that a good relationship can make the North stronger, can make the Starks stronger." He paused for a moment and he curled one arm around your waist to pull you closer towards him. "Do you trust me?" His nose brushed yours and his thumb stroke your cheek in the most gentle way possible.

"Yes, I trust you." You nodded while you closed your eyes. You leaned on the tips of your toes until your lips touched his. "If you believe that your parents will allow us to marry, I will believe it too." You smiled and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "But even if you don't manage to convince them, I will never blame you and I will cherish this moment and all the other moments we've shared until the last day of my life."

"I don't see any reason why they won't let me marry you." Robb shook his head and he pressed his chest to yours. "But in the unlikely case they will not agree with this, with us, I want you to know that you're a great person. Don't ever forget that. You will always be the best that has ever happened to me, no matter who will be forced to cross my path in the future."

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