Request - Arya Stark "Fight like a girl"

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"(Y/N)!" Arya walked into your bedroom. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and almost all tips of her fingers were bleeding. "I can't do this any longer." She jumped on your bed and you wanted to yell something about the combination of blood and white sheets but decided against it when you saw the look in her eyes.

"I have to admit, those fingers look horrible." You put the book you were reading down and smiled at your younger sister. "Even more horrible than mine always did and that means something."

"It's just unfair!" Arya raised her voice and she jumped up again. "Bran is doing all the fun stuff and I'm stuck with embroidery!" She crossed her arms over her chest. "I want to learn how to use a sword too! I want to shoot arrows too!"

You couldn't help smiling a little and you grabbed her hands. Your fingers were carefully rubbing hers and you took a deep breath. "Arya..." You licked your lips. "I know that you're more than a decent lady who wants to sit up and please whatever man she is going to marry." You paused for a moment and stroke her long braided hair. "But by pretending to be a proper lady you will always have an unfair advantage in a fight."

"Like what?" Arya's eyes widened, but the tears weren't rolling down her cheeks anymore and you placed your hands on her shoulders.

"Let me show you something." You tapped the tip of her nose and walked towards the door. The scratching filled your ears while you opened it, but you pressed a finger to your lips. On the tips of your toes you made your way to the courtyard where your brothers were practicing their sword fighting skills. "Make sure they don't see you."

Arya nodded and before you could check where she was going, she had already disappeared. One day she would become a way better fighter than you had ever been. But today was not that day.

"Can I hold that sword for a moment?" You placed a hand on Jon's shoulder and with a bright smile you curled the fingers of your other hand around the hilt of his sword.

"And who are you going to fight, Sis?" Robb held his sword in front of his face and he smiled, while everyone who was watching started laughing.

"I was actually thinking about fighting you." You felt how Jon let his sword go and you enjoyed the weight of the heavy metal in the palm of your hand. "Unless you are afraid to fight a girl, of course?" You cocked your head a little.

"What..." Robb watched how you took a stand and he swallowed before he did the same. "You're not serious about this, are you?" He didn't get the time to wait for an answer as you moved the sword gracefully and touched his shoulder.

"Come on, Robb. You can do better than this." You smiled and you waited until Robb was ready again. Once more you stepped forward and with a smooth movement of your wrist, the point of your sword touched his knee cap. You stepped back, moved the sword to your other hand and within less than a second you placed the point of the sword on his heart. "And you're dead."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call this a fair fight..." Robb shook his head and he raised his voice a little. "I could have hurt you!"

You smiled and turned around while you pressed Jon's sword to his chest. "Thanks for allowing me to borrow it." You looked over your shoulder while you made your way back to the entrance of Winterfell. "Have fun training together." You waved to your brothers once more and you noticed how Arya sneaked into Winterfell right before you closed the door behind you.

"That was awesome!" She had a glimmer in her eyes and she wrapped her arms around your waist. "You won a fight from Robb!" She clapped her hands and you shrugged your shoulders.

"And did you see how and why?" You raised your eyebrows a little. "Because that's why being a proper lady will increase your chances to win fights against even the best men."

"Next time you should fight Jon!" Arya smiled brightly and you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Maybe, but you have to go back to your embroidery lessons now." You twirled her around and pressed your hands in your back. "Hush hush, of you go!"

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now