Request - Robb Stark "Forgetting time"

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"Can you keep a secret?" Robb had his arms tightly around your waist and your head was almost resting on his shoulders. His voice was barely a whisper and you looked up at him, almost getting lost in his bright blue eyes.

"I like to believe I'm good at keeping secrets, yes, but I'm not sure what will happen if someone is torturing me." You smiled and Robb smiled back at you while he grabbed your hand and pressed a finger to his lips.

Most people at the party didn't seem to notice you and Robb making your way through the crowd. Some people were simply too drunk to notice anything but their own terrible jokes. Other people, especially men, seemed to focus on the person they wanted to share their bed with tonight.

"We need to go this way." Robb pulled you a little closer towards him and he grabbed a burning torch. It was clear that he knew every corner, every hallway, every tunnel of Winterfell. "Be careful, those stairs can be a little dangerous." He gently stepped behind you, using the torch to light the path under your feet, his other hand on your shoulder to make sure he would be able to catch you if you would fall.

"Where are we going?" You needed both your hands to make sure you wouldn't step on the long dress you were wearing and while your feet climbed higher and higher, your lungs started to protest a little.

"Do you remember how my little brother Bran used to climb the walls of this castle?" Robb probably noticed that you were slowing down a little, but he didn't say anything about it. "There is a spot he has discovered that I now want to share with you."

You felt his hand squeezing your shoulder to encourage you and eventually you reached a small wooden door. "Can I simply open it?" You didn't wait for the answer and closed your eyes when a loud screeching filled your ears. For a moment you stood still and held your breath.

"Don't worry. I don't think anyone has noticed the sound. The music seemed loud enough to drown it." Robb was standing still right behind you and he placed the torch on one of the stands attached to the walls. "I promise it will be worth it." With both his hands on your shoulders, he lead you through the door.

You needed a little time to get used to the dark, but then your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. You had no idea what you had expected to see while climbing the countless small wooden stairs, but whatever you had imagined was surpassed by reality.

As far as your vision reached you saw small lights. The sky above you was filled with flickering stars. The ground beneath you seemed that far away that it was impossible to recognize the moving figures.

"It's perfect..." You turned around and saw how Robb was staring at you with a huge grin on his face. "Thank you for showing me." You smiled back at him and bit your lip while Robb placed his hands in your sides.

"Let's make it even more perfect." He leaned in and you closed your eyes while you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Robb Stark and Lady (Y/N)!" Before Robb's lips could touch yours the roaring voice of his father echoed across the courtyard. "Get down here immediately!"

You bent your head and you felt how Robb's forehead touched yours. His finger tucked a strand of hair behind you ear and there was a little twinkle in his eyes. "We're coming!" He leaned in and he pressed his lips on yours anyway. "I was going to say that I'm sorry for getting you in trouble, but I'm afraid I'm not."

You leaned on the tips of your toes and kissed him back. "I think it was worth whatever trouble we're in."

Robb Stark - Game of Thrones Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now