Ch 1: The Phoenix

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The picture is Alex.

Alex's p.o.v

"Hey, Alex," said Natalie Grace. "Want to hang out together after school?"

She was batting her eyes at me in a flirtatious way, she was running her hand up and down my arm, and I was pretty sure it wasn't necessary to keep the third button of her shirt open. She was wearing a shirt underneath but it didn't help much. But it's not like I minded.

I smiled. "I would love to, but unfortunately I have some business to attend to today. So maybe next time."

She pouted. "Awn, not even for an hour?"

I shook my head. "No can do, again, sorry."

She huffed and I was almost sure she was going to continue when the bell rang. She sighed and dejectedly left. "I have to go. I'll see you later." She winked suggestively.

"See you."

I turned around and started heading towards the gym. I had p.e next, but I wasn't really looking forward to it. I was tired and didn't feel like moving around. I guess this is what I get for staying up all night playing video games.


I looked ahead to see Nichole Rider clutching her head, like her hair was caught in her locker. Nichole was the nerd of the school. She blend in the background so well, you almost didn't know she was there. She was always quiet, had a perfect GPA, was the favorite of all the teachers. Typical nerd. She even looked like one. She wore those nerdy glasses and always had her hair tied in two old fashioned braids. But all that didn't really matter. What really ticked me off was that she never looked at me.

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. My parents were the owners of the financially biggest company in the country. They were the owner's of UnderKover. It was a spy company that protected the country from terrorist attacks and the like. I had the money, I had the looks. I had everything anyone could ever ask for. All the girls in the whole school yearned for me to look at them, but not her. Nichole Rider just looked straight ahead and never gave me a second glance. And she had the same schedule as me too.

I walked over to her. "Hey, need help?" I motioned to her stuck hair.

She seemed to hesitate. "Please."

I smiled. That was the first time I heard her talk. I carefully freed her hair. It was soft, smooth and silky. I kinda wanted to touch it again.

I quickly let go of her hair and mentally smacked myself for having such thoughts.

"Thank you." She shyly said.

I grinned. "Don't mention it. By the way, are you headed toward the gym as well?"

She frowned. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

What did she mean, how did I know? We had the same schedule. Three months into the school year and she still hasn't remembered the people in her classes. "I'm in your class," was all I said.

"Oh," was her simple reply. "Well, we better hurry then. The final bell is about to ring."

And she started to walk away. Just that. I sighed and followed her.

P.e went by quickly; we played volley ball. I was about to go towards the locker room when i was swarmed by people.

"Alex, did you hear?" one of them said.

I frowned, "Hear what?"

"The Phoenix did it again!"

The phoenix was a famous hacker. Even though he was incredibly famous, no one knew his true identity. He sometimes helped out at UnderKover, but I've never met him before. Also, even though he was a hacker, I don't think he ever hacked into anything for the sake of doing something evil. He was like the hacker of justice, or something like that.

"What did he do this time?"

The girl showed me an article. "Apparently, he hacked into a criminal's computer. Thanks to that, the police were able to arrest the criminal with ease. This was also the same criminal that went around kidnapping the children of rich people just for the sake of ransom."

"Oh, is that so?" I smiled. I mentally thanked Phoenix for doing that. Mostly because of Amy. She was my little sister and I was really worried about her being kidnapped. Despite me being a player, I really really loved my sister. She wasn't my real sister, she was adopted when she was four. That kinda made me love her more since I was an only child till she came.

Remembering her, I touched the charm bracelet she gave me on my birthday. I touched my wrist-and I couldn't feel it. I looked down to see it not around my wrist anymore. I looked around the floor to see if I dropped it but I couldn't see it anywhere. The bell rang and I cursed. It was time to go home and I had to leave early today too.

I couldn't go home without the bracelet! What was I gonna do? I asked around but no one knew where it was. I was about to give up when I heard someone call me. I turned around to see it was Nichole.

"I saw this lying on the floor near the net. It's yours, right?" She held up her hand and showed me the bracelet.

My heart was about to jump out of my chest. "YES, yes. It's mine. Thank you so so so much."

"You don't have to thank me. By the way, you can't wear that anymore."

I froze. "Why not?"

"Because the hook broke. I can fix it, but I don't have the materials with me. Why don't you take it to a professional?"

I thought about it , then shook my head. "I can't do that. The person who gave it to me will feel devastated if I gave it to a professional."

"Well," she seemed to think for a moment, "I could take it home with me."

I stared at her. "Why would you do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know the details, but it seems very important. So why not?"

I gave it to her. "Please do so, then. I'll take it back tomorrow. I have some business to attend to right now."

I really wish I didn't, but my dad would kill me if he found me skipping on our once a month family time. And I can just tell Amy that I forgot it in school.

She nodded, "Okay, then. See you tomorrow."

I was actually looking forward to it. Not because of the bracelet though.

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