Ch 14: Revealed

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Alex's pov

"Okie-dokie. So please come forward, Alexander Carter."

When I heard that, I didn't need a mirror to know that I was as white as a sheet. I get that they wanted me, but why would they go as far as to take the entire school hostage? This way I have no choice but to turn myself in. I don't want the student's to get hurt because of me. Phoenix said something like this too. Even though I was warned..! But how was I to know they would come to my school? What do I do now? Nichole was also with me. If those people find me here, who knows what they're gonna do to her? I can't get her involved. Though she seems calmer than me; she even managed to call her brother and explain the situation to him. It's a good thing that she's the type to think on her feet. I don't know what I would've done if she wasn't-


I snapped my head in her direction. "Sorry, what?"

She huffed, "That was the fifth time I called you."

"Sorry, I'm just-"

"Panicking, I know. Don't worry, though. We can get out of this; I have an idea. But I need you to stay focused. Okay?"

I nodded. I am so freaking lucky this girl is here with me.

"Hellooo?" said the speaker. "Alexander Carter? Please come forward. Or do you want one of these people dead to get you motivated?"

What? NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!

"Relax. He doesn't know we're not in the gym...yet."

"Huh?" The speaker spoke, "I can't hear you. Speak into the microphone." The shifting sound of the mic moving came then our computer teacher sound came. "Alex isn't here. He was in the restroom when you guys came to the building."

"What?!" back to the original person. "Is there anyone else still in the building?"

The computer sir sounded unsure, as if he didn't want to answer. "Yes, there's one more student who went to the library to take something she had forgotten there. Her name is Nichole Rider."

"Okay..." Nichole said. "We no longer have that advantage of them not knowing our whereabouts. If this keeps up, that guy might force the teacher to tell us where we are exactly. We need to follow my plan fast; before they get here."

"Wait," I stopped her. "Why can't we just go to a different classroom?" Even if the sir told them we were in the lab, if we change positions, no one would know where we are.

"That's a good idea, but I need the computers. Now, let's get ready. Alex, go around and turn on the computers. They all went to sleep. Turn on the projector as well. I'll take care of the rest."

I had no idea what was going on, but I did as I was told. Nichole went to her bag and took out her laptop. Then she went and sat in the teachers seat, the only seat in the room that can see the screens of all the computers. 

"I'm done," I told her.

"Great. Now can you please-"

"Tell me where Carter is!!" Another weird guy behind the speaker interrupted. Then a sound came as if someone was whispering something. "So you're saying that brat can hear me through the speakers. Okay, then Alex Carter. Since you can hear me, come to the gym immediately."

I looked at Nichole in panic and saw that she was just calmly putting on a Bluetooth earpiece. I didn't see what she was gonna do with it, because just then a light came from behind me. Or should I say, a lot of lights. All of the computers in the room, even the projector had a white background and a black logo on them.


Suddenly, the projector screen changed and showed the gym. The first row of computers showed the gym in different angles and the rest of the computers showed the inside of the school. hallways, classrooms, I could even see myself in one of the computers.

That girl had hacked into the camera system of the school! 

But wait..where was she hacking from? Maybe Zac and the others had informed her about this.

"Alexander Carter, come out RIGHT NOW!" Clearly, the second guy was losing patience.

"What if he doesn't want to?" Nichole said. When I turned around to ask her what she meant her voice was reflected in the speaker. 

I froze. How did she connect herself to the speaker?

"HUH?! Say that again!"

"I said, what if he doesn't want to? Alex Carter has no need to go to that gym, so he won't." Nichole said, and her electronic-voice followed.

I've heard this sound. Nichole's voice in the speaker sounded just like-

"Who the hell are you?!"

I looked at Nichole in shock as she answered.

"I'm the Phoenix."

Author's note: Sorry this was a small chapter that ended with a cliffhanger. But don't worry. I'll update the next chapter again today if not tomorrow. But I promise it won't be later than that. 

Log out!

Oops, I meant to say, Peace out!

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