Ch 29: Beads

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Alex's pov

Where is she?!

It's been an half an hour since our meeting time, and she's still not here yet. Even before we started dating, Nicky was never late to any of our meetings. I didn't call her yet because I was afraid it would make me look impatient. But now I was worried, so I called her.

One ring...two...three...four...five...six.

I closed it and called her again.

Six rings again. Nicky usually picked up on the second or third. Six has never happened before. What if something happened to her?! I went forgot about the date and ran to the library. 

"Hey," I told the librarian, "Did Nichole Rider come here today?"

"Why, yes. She did, but she came about forty five minutes ago." She told me after checking her logs.

An hour and fifteen?! I got out the library and called her again. Still no answer. I decided to call Zac.

Hopefully he knows something. "Hey, what's up?" He answered.

"Is Nicky home?"

There was silence on the other end. "Aren't you two supposed to be on a date right now?"

"We are, but she never showed up. She went to the library, but then she disappeared. She's not picking up her phone either. Do you know where she is?"

"No I don't. This isn't like Nicky at all. I'm gonna contact the rest of the squad and we'll gather there. Where are you right now?"

"In front of the library."

"Okay, stay where you are, we'll be right there."

"Got it, okay."

I shut the phone and clutched it tightly in my hands.

Please be okay

An hour ago

Nicky's pov


The young man came forward with his arms spread wide. "Nicky, it is you! How have you been?"

very fine without having you in my life. "Where have you been?!" I demanded. "How could you have just suddenly left like that without saying another word?"

He froze. "Why are you angry at me?" He asked cautiously.

Because I want you to get lost, but for the sake of appearance, "Because I missed you! You can' just leave me like that and expect me not to be angry!"

"You're not mad at me for what I did to your parents?"

Mad? No, I'm furious. "My parents? My parents death had nothing to do with you, though..." I feigned innocence. "Why would I be mad?"

He looked at me in confusion, then a smile stretched on his face. "Do you remember how they died?"

I fake-frowned, "No I don''s all a bit hazy." Not really though.

"It's okay! You don't have to worry about it. Do you wanna hang out?" date with Alex! Uhh, if I refuse him now, it might cause some useless suspicions.

"Sure, why not?" 

Sorry Alex, I'll make it up to you. I promise.

"But is it far? The place we're going?" I inquired, "I kind of felt like going on a walk..."

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