Ch 12: Birthday

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Alex's pov

I frowned and opened my message. Dad usually doesn't communicate with me during school times. It said that I had to be at the main office as soon as I'm free. Oo-kay. That was weird. Because of a certain incident back in middle school, I quit having anything to do with spy work. That was also the incident that turned me into a flirt. Anyways, Nichole and I parted ways and I headed towards HQ in my convertible.

I went to my parents' office and over there Zac's entire squad waited with my parents. Only Phoenix wasn't here. But she too joined us around ten minutes later. My dad said that the Phoenix had something to say to all of us so she had asked my dad to get me here.

She was kinda panting, as if she was running. Though I didn't know why. When she finally caught her breath, she cleared her throat. "Okay, let's get started. I'm sorry for calling you all here but I figured that you'd all want to hear this information. It's about Amy's kidnapping. I hacked into the kidnapper's phone, and all I could find of importance was the letter 'T'. Apparently, 'T' is the code name for the kidnapper's boss. I also learned that this guy wasn't alone. He had friends who are on back up. In other words, this guy failed, but more will be coming after Amy. Or," she faced me, "they could also be after you. We don't know for sure. My point is, I called you all here for an assignment: people of UnderKover, keep your eyes and ears open for anything that could relate to this 'T' person. Alex, keep on guard. You never know when what could happen. Are there any questions?"

My mom spoke, "What do you already know about T?

"I know that it's a guy, for one. For another, I think that he's under work for someone else. I'm not sure, but that's most likely the case."

"Do you think you could give us an estimate on how many people we're dealing with?" Zac inquired.

She seemed to think. "I actually can't. The kidnapper seemed to be on a low level; he didn't seem to know the big plans. He was kinda like a guy who only knew what his boss told him. But I can tell you this: this is no small project. I can't give you an estimate on how many people, but I think it's going to be above 20 people."

Exclamations from Richard, "20 people?!"

Everyone seemed to think a bit. "Phoenix," said Rebecca. "Do you think we should investigate this further immediately or should we wait?"

"I suggest you wait. With what we have, there's not enough information to go on the offence. Let's just stay low for now and see how things go. If T makes another move, then we'll see depending on what we learn."

They all nodded. I had a question though. "Um, can I ask a question?"

"Of course you can." She chuckled.

Where have I heard that chuckle before?

"Um, is Amy safe?"

Silence. "What do you mean, Alex?" Ryan asked.

"Well, Phoenix just said that this T person could target her again. So is Amy going to be okay?"

Ashley spoke, "Well, she's going to be okay, I'm not so sure about safe."

What did she mean by that?! If Amy-

"Alex," Marilyn cut in. "Don't worry. We'll make sure that she's fine...and safe."

I nodded and calmed down, remembering last time. Phoenix did a remarkable job. She can do it again. Amy'll be fine.

"Any more questions?" asked Phoenix.

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