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10 years later

Alex's pov

I woke up to see the love of my life shaking me, "Alex, come one, wake up."

I turned the other way, "Don't want to."

Nicky sighed. "Fine, don't wake up. Stay right where you are."

The way she said that, I knew she was already planning something. But I would never have prepared myself for the sudden weight that landed on my back. "Oof!" 

The weight--or weights-- started jumping on me. I heard Nicky laughing from behind me. "Ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay! I'm awake now!" I got up and tried to rub my back, but obviously, I couldn't reach it. 

I looked at the two bundles of limbs that laughed with Nicky. "I swear, you guys will kill me one day."

The two year girl smiled innocently, "Daddy sleep!"

Her three year old brother continued, "Need to wake up!"

I groaned, "Can you guys let me sleep for five more minutes?"

Nicky sat behind me and gave me a back message that felt like heaven after those two jumping on me. "Yeah, like five minutes is actually gonna help. You promised the kids you'd take them to the water park today with the rest of the squad. Can't blame them for being excited."

I leaned against her, "I know but still. Let me charge up for a bit."

She kissed my head, "There, charged. Now go take a bath." She ruffled my hair, and let go of me, making me fall on my back, almost hitting my skull on the bed's head.  

"No fair!" my son pouted.

My daughter followed, "Mommy, me too, me too!"

Nicky laughed and gave both of them a kiss on the forehead, a hug, and then ruffled their hair. "Okay now?"

They both nodded smiling like they were having the time of their lives. Which they probably were. I myself laughed too. Looking at kids being happy kind of makes you be happy too. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom. Once I was done with a quick shower (there's no point taking a long bath before going to a water park), I went back into the room to see Nicky changing the kids into their swim suits. 

She saw me come out and said, "I'm gonna go see if the servants put the food in the car. Can you watch over the kids for a while?"

She left when I took over their changing. Although I was playing with them more than changing their clothes. Nicky came back and checked over everything then gave them the okay to leave. I was done too, but I still needed to pack some of my things so I stayed. Nicky started changing too. She wore a dress over her swimsuit and started to pack up her own things. I was done with mine so I helped her out.

"By the way," I said as I zipped up the bag. "Don't ever do that again."

"Do what again?"

"Change in front of me when we have somewhere to go or something to do. It's very distracting." I picked up the bag, kissed her and went to join the kids as she laughed behind me. She picked up her jacket and caught up with me. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"So that you can make things worse by taking your time? No thank you."

She giggled, "Aww, you know me so well."

Of course I did. How long have we known each other? 

The kids were literally jumping in excitement. "Can go now?" My son asked.

"Go now!" My daughter echoed.

"We still need to wait for--Never mind, they're here."

Mom and Dad entered the room with their own bags, and Amy followed them. 

The kids jumped on their grandparents as Amy jumped on Nicky. "Good morning, let's go!" Amy said.

Even though she's fourteen now, Amy didn't change much. She still had that childish personality that suited her. My parents on the other hand did change a lot. They retired from UnderKover, but they still help out a lot to help me out. I took over UnderKover, but because it was too much to handle alone (which is why both my parents were the owners) I promoted Zac. I took over my dad's position and I gave my mom's position to him. I wanted Nicky to have it, but she refused getting a full time job. I asked her why she didn't want to enroll into UnderKover officially and this was her excuse:

"Because in order to get in, no matter what you want to go as, inner or outer spy, it doesn't matter. You need to take half a year's worth of classes to be able to defend yourself. Which includes guns, which include blood. And I want to have nothing to do with any sort of violence." 

So she refused to join UnderKover and take over my mom's position, but as always, she still helped out as Phoenix. Which she still kept a secret. 

Anyways, the squad didn't change much either. Just like us, Zac with Mary, and Ryan with Ashley got married. Zac and Mary had two kids, a boy and a girl, who like their mom, were twins. Ashley had one son. Richard and Rebecca hooked up as well, but they didn't get married...yet. 

Nicky and I got married four years ago, on her birthday. She said that if we started dating on my birthday, then our wedding should be on hers. A year after that, we had our first child. Named after his mother, Nicholas Carter. Though everyone just calls him Nico. A year later, we had a daughter, Angelina Carter. Most of the reason why that's her name is because I just wanted to call her 'Angel'.

Today we were meeting up with the rest of the squad with their kids in the water park. After the event with Travis, our lives just took a turn for the better. Especially mine with Nicky. We settled the kids in the car, and went back to get our bags. On the way out, I pulled Nicky to me and kissed her, long and hard. I continued hugging her for a while.

"Thank you."

She pulled back with a frown, "For what?"

I tucked her hair behind her ears, "For making me the happiest man on Earth."

She raised an eyebrow, "Sure, but what brought this up?"

I shrugged, "I was just thinking about how we met."

She laughed in return, "That was such a long time ago!"

We both got nostalgic looks on our faces as we held hands back towards the car. Even though it's been ten years, I remember all of it like it was yesterday.

"Daddy, Mommy!" Angel huffed, "Slow!"

"Sorry," I apologized. 

"Let's go!" Nico cheered.

"Go!" As always, Angel echoed her brother.

I chuckled. I hope that it will be this way forever.

Author's note: I know it's a lousy way to end but it is finished. *Cries*. I'm really gonna miss writing here. But I'm taking a short break for a while. And I'm so happy that I finished the book before the 24th. That was my goal, and I accomplished it! Anyway, I am planning on publishing this outside of Wattpad, but I don't know when that will be. I'm gonna be adding bonus chapters and extra details, but I really hope you awesome people go check it out. I don't know when that will be though. I'm taking a break from it after all. 

Anyways, I love you all and thank you for the support! 

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