Ch 23: Travis

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Nicky's pov


I looked over at Travis, his arm on the wall, him facing me sideways, looking as cool as always. 

"You wanna go out tonight?"

Oh, trust me. I did. Anyone who had the chance to go with him would do it. Travis is two years older than me, but because we were the neighbors he had, we got along well. He even hung out with Zac sometimes, but I was closer. Speaking of Zac.

"I'm sorry, I can't. My parents are going to be out on a job, Zac would be with his friends, so I'm stuck watching the house."

Even though he's my brother, I didn't really like Zac that much; he was so outgoing. It was kind of annoying. And his best friend Richard. He was such a flirt. Although I can't really say anything bad about flirts, I mean, I have a crush on one.

Who just asked me out. But I had to refuse him thanks to Zac.

"Aww, well, that's a bummer. Tell you what, instead of going outside, I'll just come over to your house. How's that?"

I can't believe he would do that for me! "That would be a wonderful idea."

"Great, but here's the thing, I don't know when I'll come over. Don't go sleeping early tonight," he joked.

Please. As if a girl would get sleep knowing her crush would come over any minute. "Huh, well, if that's the case then maybe I should sleep early tonight."

He lightly flicked my forehead. "If I come over to see you asleep, then I will throw ice-cold water at you to wake you up. I didn't plan this night for nothing."

Plan? What plan? Oh well, maybe it's a surprise for me. I can't really be sure. Travis is not only my crush, but he's also my best friend. So he knows me pretty well. Last time, I really wanted a watch, because I was the only one in my class who didn't have one of my own. So Travis bought one for me, even though I didn't even tell him about it. I wonder what he was 'planning' tonight.

When I got back to the house after school, Zac played with my hair. "Make sure you don't have any plans for tonight; a thief might come in, and it would all be your fault if something got stolen."

I glared at him. "Shut up, if you have a problem, then why don't you cancel your plans? You and Richard don't do anything besides video games."

Zac pretended to be offended. "Hey, I'll have you know that I'm not just playing video games. I also play board games."

I glared at him some more. "Even so, it's still the same thing. You're wasting time!"

Now he did get offended. "Oh yeah, well what do you do that's not a waste of time. Yeah, you can hack. Big deal. Why don't you go play with some dolls, like normal girls."

"Zac, you're a jerk!"

"Nicky, you're useless."

"Zac, Nicky, enough!" Our mom scolded us.

We both huffed at turned our heads the other way, like how siblings do when they're mad at each other. Zac and I never get along well. I sometimes try to get close to him, but he just hates me and always gets on my nerves. Zac left with his friends, I don't know when, and I don't care either. He should just go die. No one wants him around.

"Nicky, come help me out in the kitchen," my mom called.

And my mood instantly improved. I loved being in the kitchen, "What are you making tonight?"

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