Ch 17: Math

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Nicky's pov

"I still think we should do it." Uncle Carter scratched his head.

We were at the main building, in Carter parents' office. Everyone from the squad was here too, plus Alex. And since Alex already knew who I was, I didn't bother wearing the net mask. But I did keep that in my bag. We just finished explaining things to the owners of UnderKover. And of course they didn't like what they heard. They both kept trying to get me to do something, but it was no use. I hacked into the kidnappers' phones, but they didn't have anything worth it. It did help confirm something.

T is really aiming for the Carters. And he's not trying to be subtle about it.

Right now, Amy was on her way over here because I wanted to talk to her. Though she doesn't know I'm the one summoning her. She just thinks her parents wanted to see her. Uncle Carter wanted Amy to skip school for a while, but I was against it. So we decided that we'll just ask her. 

Alex was quiet for the most part, which was unusual since it also involved Amy. Actually, he's been acting weird since computer class. The idea of being a target to a possibly dangerous kidnapper must have hit him hard. 

Zac and the others talked to the nice kidnapper and found out that they were just following orders from someone who's neither name nor appearance any of them knew. But he called himself 'T". 

What a coincidence!

A knock came from the door, and I put on my mask and pulled up my hood. Amy came in with a security guard. Once he was dismissed Amy looked at her parents in confusion. Alex called her over and they hugged.

"Why am I here?" She inquired.

I spoke. "I just wanted to talk to you." 

She looked at me, then blinked. I braced myself. She got away from Alex and flung herself at me. Honestly speaking, no amount of preparing will help me from her hugs. Where does she get that much strength?


I hugged her back, "Hey, Amy."

"So," she pulled back and smiled at me. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Do you like school?" I think it's better to start small.

"Yes, a lot! I love my friends more than the studying part though."

"Would you be willing to skip school for a few days?"

She though for a moment. "Normally, yes. But I have a talent show coming up in a few weeks, and we're going to be doing it as a class. I don't want to skip practice." I looked at her father. He sighed.

So I decided to go with my plan. "What's your favorite thing to wear? Something that you almost never take off."

She thought and though hard. "I don't have anything. I just wear whatever my attendants give me."

Well, that's gonna be hard. But just maybe...."If I give you a gift, will you promise to wear it all the time ?" 

She didn't even hesitate. "Of course!" 

"Well, then. Zac?" 

He came over and gave me a plastic bag. I took a bracelet out of it, and asked Amy to try it on. It was a perfect fit, thankfully. While Amy went to show it off to her family members, I took out my laptop and used it to hack into the bracelet.

Or rather the tracker in it. 

Last time we were lucky that the kidnapper was inexperienced and didn't bind her or break her phone. Next time, T is gonna send a professional. At the time, at least we'll be able to know where she is. Also the condition she was in. I also had installed a pulse reading machine. To let us know if she's scared, running or whatever. I activated them both and put it on notification mode. Whenever something happened to her, my Phoenix phone will get a notification. Once I was done, I nodded to her parents, letting them know that I was done. Amy should be safe now.

Next was Alex. Of course he doesn't have to have a tracker. He's with me in all of my classes (which is something I learned a few hours ago), and after school he's mostly going to be at home, so it shouldn't be a problem. 

But we don't really know what T's target is. Does he want the children? Will he go for the parents as well? Does he just want their money? Are they after something else? And above all, who is he?

Those questions just kept running in my head. And I needed some answers. 

But I wasn't gonna think about it. There's no point trying to solve an equation who didn't know the formula of. 

"Well, if that's all then I guess you guys are dismissed?" Aunt Carter said while making Amy's hair.

We all nodded and made our way to the squad's room. Since it's a closed room, I took off my mask once we were inside. And Zac sighed loudly. 

"What?" Alex asked curiously.

"I had a lot of paperwork before going to the school. Now it's doubled since I also have to write the report." 

Everyone else laughed. "It's not funny!" He complained. "It's hard being the leader of the squad!"

"We know, that's why we're laughing." I pointed out. 

Zac pouted. "You guys have to help me out."

We all shrugged. Of course we would've helped out. That's why we're a team.

"Since we're going to be staying here for a while," Richard began, "I'm gonna go buy some drinks. You guys want the usual?" 

We all nodded. "I'll come with you," Alex said.

Once they left, we all went to our stations and did our things. Well, they all did. I just 'played' on my laptop. 

If you know what I mean.

The girls wrote the report while Ryan and Zac worked on decoding some codes. Richard and Alex came back and gave everyone their drinks. 

"Hey, Nicky." Zac turned around. "Help us solve this code."

"Sure, let me have it." It was usual routine, I guess. I'm usually the one who solves the math problems. It saves everyone a lot of time.

"Okay so, this time it's only addition and subtraction." Started Ryan, "Here's the first one: 153469827 + 35246918. Equals to...?"

I didn't even hesitate. "188716745."

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