Ch 11: Pouts

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Alex's pov


"Hey, Alex?" 

I was reading in the library and I looked up to see Nichole at the other end of the desk. I closed the book and looked at her in surprise; this was the first time she's approached me by herself. "Yes?"

She looked around, as if to see if anyone's listening. When she saw Natalie glaring daggers at her, she sighed. She didn't say anything and just left without saying another word. When she turned around, she accidentally dropped a paper on the floor. I got up and took it, "Hey, you forgot something."

She turned around, "Oh that. It's not important. You can keep it, or throw it away." She continued on her way.

I looked at the piece of paper suspiciously. I shrugged and decided I'd throw it away after I read it. It was a handwritten note, "I'd like to ask you a question about today. Meet me at my locker after school. Make sure no one's following; I really don't want to deal with Natalie or her wannabes."

I chuckled to myself. That was smooth. She even fooled me by making dropping the paper look natural. When did she even write this? She must've known Natalie was gonna be here, so she probably prepared it before hand. And she described that crowd of girls pretty well. Although wannabes was a nice way to put it. Those girls did everything that Natalie did, like a shadow. It was like a dance group. A main singer with some backup dancers to emphasize the pop star.

But I wondered what she had to ask me? 

Could it be she decided not to come?!

No. She said she's not someone who goes back on her word. And she doesn't strike me as the type to back down at the last minute. She's gonna come, for sure. I know it.

Why am I trying to convince myself?


Natalie came over and leaned her elbows on my desk. She didn't bother closing her second button. Though I wouldn't have minded a while ago, now I found it disturbing. "Yes?"

"Say, won't you hang out with me after school today?" She batted her eyes seductively. 

You mean spend the rest of the day with you instead of Nichole? I thought, no thank you. "I'm busy."

"Awn," She moaned, "Is it work at UnderKover? You can just ditch it." 

It's not work, and I'm not planning on ever ditching Nichole. "Sorry, no can do."

She stuck out her bottom lip and made puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

That would've been cute if Amy did it. Nichole would work too. "NO."

She slumped her shoulders. "Okay, but how about tomorrow?"

GOD, she's so annoying. How did I not notice it before? "Natalie, I can't. Also, I'm taking a break from this stuff for a while, so please stop asking me." Nichole seems to hate flirts, so I have to stay away from girls for her opinion of me to improve.

Natalie looked hurt and offended, "But why, sweet heart?"

How dare she, I'm not her sweet anything! "Because I want to take a break."

"But that's not a reason!"

The bell saved me. "It is to me. Anyways, I have to go, later."

I got up before she could stop me and speed walked out the door. After the incident in the bio lab, I started to really hate her. She didn't even know Nichole, how could she say that stuff about her?

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