Ch 5: Kidnapped

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The picture is Richard.


Alex's pov

Three weeks later

It's almost been a month, and I haven't talked to Nichole after that incident. The only words that were exchanged were related to school in class group projects. I kept my promise and didn't say a word about her actual identity, so she didn't come and roast me live. She never said she would, I just felt like she could do it.

Everything was going the same as always until our class was interrupted.

A knock came, entry was permitted, and a grown up man entered the classroom. He had on an amused look on his face. "Pardon the intrusion, but I'm here to pick someone up. "

"Um, who are you?" was the teacher's response. The guy was fairly good looking and as a flirt myself I could tell he was a lady killer. The teacher was slightly flustered.

He winked at her. "Why don't you find out tonight?"

Wow, no shame at all. The teacher blushed deep scarlet, but didn't say anything. I saw Nichole get up from the chair and walk to the front of the room. With no warning at all, she raised her leg and dug her converse straight into the man's stomach.

He was pushed backwards in surprise and pain and the rest of the class, including myself, just gaped at her.

She looked like she was trying to control anger. "What are you doing here, Richard?"

The man, Richard, was hugging his stomach tightly, "Ow, damn, girl. Where did you learn how to kick like that?"

"You're lucky I didn't kick you a little bit lower. Answer the question, you dolt."

She was starting to reveal her true self. Who was this man?

Richard straightened himself. "I came here to pick you up."

She frowned. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Your bro asked me to, so I did it."

"Why didn't he come here himself?"

He seemed to think for a minute. "Because I'm the fastest driver."

That must've been some kind of code, because Nichole suddenly narrowed her eyes in attention. "Give me a minute to pack up." She turned around to face the teacher. "I'm very sorry for the rudeness he showed. Please pay him no mind and ignore his very existence."

That last part must've burned. I grinned. I know my opinion didn't matter to her, but I kinda liked Nichole better when she was sassy.

"Okay, but who is he?"

"He's my brother's best friend and like a second brother to me."

"Awn, some respect."

Nichole glared at him, "One more word out of that mouth of yours and I'll skin you live."

The man raised his hands in surrender and widened his eyes in fear. Clearly, he shared my opinion when I thought that she would do it.

When she to her seat to pack her stuff, The man asked, "Why are you in such a grumpy mood today?"

"Because you entered my field of vision."

Man, she's blunt.

"What did I do?"

She looked at him incredulously, as is she couldn't believe he just said that. " You know what you did. You flirted with my teacher and you know I can't stand flirts."

I'm not sure what I thought of this guy but I had to thank him. At least now I know why she doesn't look at me.

He chuckled. Then he spotted me. "Aren't you Alex Carter?"

"Um, yeah?"

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why are you..." He trailed off. Then, "Hey," he turned to Nichole. "My phone's dead, call your brother for me, please."

She put her books in her bag, took her phone out of her pocket, and just threw it his his direction. My mouth dropped open when she did that, as if she didn't care for it at all. But then I realized that she must've trusted this Richard person's reflexes because he snatched it out of the air with no problem at all.

She continued sorting out her papers, "Speed dial 2."

"Got it." He called as Nichole went to the teacher to ask for any homework she might have.

"Hey, buddy. Yeah, She's packing up. Hey, do me a favor. Check on the boss for me, would ya? Well, he's still here. Uh-huh. You sure? Okay, then see you."

He handed the phone back to Nichole, who was now waiting to leave. Then he looked at me. "Hey, kid. Pack up. You're coming with us."

"Why?" that one word was spoken by me, Nichole, the teacher and half of the class at the same time.

The guy held in his laughter at our reactions. "Let me properly introduce myself." He got serious. "My name is Richard Rodriguez. I work for your father; I'm a spy at UnderKover. And I just had her brother check up for me. Your dad's orders, kid. Pack up."

I raised an eyebrow. He also worked at UnderKover? Why would Dad have me dismissed at such a time? Oh, well. I get to skip last period chemistry. I hate that class.

I packed up, got my homework and we left the building. The moment we sat in his car, which was the one provided from the company, some kind of intense tension build up. "Okay, buckle up kids, I drive fast." He checked his watch. "Damn, I've already wasted a lot of time playing nonchalant."

"What did you mean by 'playing nonchalant'?" I asked.

"I'm a professional spy, kid. I came here in an emergency. Nicky's brother asked me to pick her up, so I did it, but I'm supposed to be on a mission right now. It's really important, so I played nonchalance as I didn't want to spread panic. It's the same mission you will be helping me accomplish."

Say what?

"What mission?" I asked, suddenly annoyed. I can't believe my dad called me to do a spy job.

"A mission to save Amelia Carter."

My blood ran cold. "Save Amy? What do you mean?"

He looked at me from the review mirror. "Your sister's been kidnapped."

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