Ch 27: Solved

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Nicky's pov

"Zac, we need to talk."

Alex had dropped me home, when another kiss, and had left to see me tomorrow. Zac came back an hour after me, so I didn't get the chance to tell him. Now we were sitting in the lounge, both in our night suits, almost ready for bed. Zac looked up from his phone, surprised.

He put his phone away, "Okay, about what?"

I was kind of nervous about telling him about my first boyfriend, even if it was his boss's son. "About what happened tonight at Carter's."

He reached over the side table to get his glass of water, "Go on."

I inhaled deeply, "Well, when I was there, Alex and I...started dating." I finally let out.

Zac choked on his water.

Maybe I should've waited until he finished it, I thought.

Zac came over and checked my forehead, "You don't have a fever, do you?"

I gently pulled his hand away, "No, I don't."

Zac took a second to take in that information and then he jumped on me. "Congratulations!"

I tried to gain my balance, but failed. I fell on the sofa with Zac hugging me, both of us laughing. "Thanks."

Zac seriously hugged me now. "I'm really glad for you, Nicky." Then he pulled back and opened the fridge through the island. "And this obviously calls for a celebration." 

He pulled out some orange juice and two packet of chips: The 'minor' version of a party. "Do you want french cheese or salty?"

I laughed, "I want sleep. I have school tomorrow and I prefer not to eat junk food after sunset; it's not good for your health."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't be a party pooper and just take something. Come on, it's your first boyfriend! You got to be happier than that!"

Oh, I was happy--beyond words, surprisingly. It was more like I still didn't believe it. And because of the reasons I gave earlier. Just because I have a boyfriend now doesn't mean I'm going to change my lifestyle much. I still need to keep up an image.

But just so Zac can have his satisfaction, I accepted a glass of juice and cheered with him. After having our little celebration, I went upstairs to my room. I was about to go to sleep just like that, but my mind started wandering off. Since I never dated anyone before, I didn't know how to act like a 'girlfriend', and I was worried that that might have an impact on my new relationship.

I sighed as I turned on the bed, Never thought I'd see a day when I'd be worried about stuff like that.

I tried to keep my mind off of Alex as I tried to get some sleep. I didn't succeed much though.

The next day, Alex was again waiting for me at the back gate. But it was different this time. Instead of just greeting me with words, he greeted me with a hug. "Morning."

"Good morning," Honestly, I kind of wanted him to let go soon. My heart had accepted him, but my body still wasn't used to being touched. "Alex, can you let go of me? I don't really like physical contact much." I tried to be polite.

He pulled back quickly, and surprisingly, he didn't argue. "Sorry, I was too excited."

"To see me? What am I, a celebrity?"

He laughed, "Well, if your my girlfriend and I'm UnderKover's heir...then actually yeah."

"Yeah, no. I don't want to be famous because of that."

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