Ch 20: Coincidence

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Alex's pov

It's been a while since that incident, school has gone back to normal, and life moved on. I asked my parents to keep me joining UnderKover a secret for now. I wanted to actually be approved of by Nichole first, so that can raise my chances of being in the team. When I say 'approved of' I don't mean approved of as a teammate but rather as a normal guy

Anyway, today I was in a shopping mall with Amy; I promised I'd buy her anything for winning the talent show in her school. And the reason why I took her today was because of the game.There's a section in this mall that holds games once a month. For all ages. The game lasts one week, one day for the elderly, one for middle aged, etc. Today was the day for the kids.

Today's game was snakes and ladders. The dice would be huge, and the person playing would be the 'piece' that's moving. The winner gets a PlayStation CD if it's a boy, and a children's make up kit if it's a girl. I thought that Amy would be interested in playing that so I brought her over today. She was pretty excited, and came along more than willingly. 

But we still had a few hours before the game began, so we were just roaming around. We were in an electronic devices shop, Amy was checking out some iPods, and I was checking out some headphones when Amy suddenly gasped. I looked at her in concern and saw that she was gaping at something in a close distance. I followed her gaze and gasped as well. The person she was staring at had a very familiar side view. Amy waved her arms up high.

"Nichole!" Amy raised her voice to be heard.

Nichole looked over with an eyebrow raised. When she saw who called out to her, she cleared her expression and came over. "Hey guys, are you here for the game?" She asked my sister.

Amy nodded and gave her a huge smile. "Yup! but we're just roaming around for now."

"I see." Amy then hugged Nichole's waist and Nichole patted her head. "I'm actually surprised. Never thought I'd see you here. I thought his royal highness always got shopping materials delivered to him."

What the hell does she think of me?

"Please tell me you're joking," I frowned.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm joking, you fool."

Oh, right. I forgot that you can never tell with her. 

"Hey, Nichole?"

"You can just call me Nicky, but yeah?"

That's not fair!

Amy smiled, "Well, Nicky, can you spend the rest of the day with us?"

Please please please.

She thought for a bit. "Sure why not? Just let me buy a few things from here."

"Oh, yeah. What were you looking at?" I inquired.

She shrugged. "I was looking at stuff that makes my life easier as someone who likes to kill time on a computer."

Oh, Phoenix stuff. Right.

"By the way, I came here with the rest of them and we decided to meet up in the food court in a couple of hours. The meeting's after the game so do you want to join us?"

"Of course." As long as I get to spend more time with her. She nodded and took out her phone. Probably to send Zac a text about us joining in. 

Amy and I didn't get anything from there, but Nichole got a few type of wires that I didn't even know existed. Then we started walking towards the grocery store, still Nichole had some ingredients to get, and Amy and I had nothing better to do.

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