Ch 31: Trigger

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The picture is Travis

Nicky's pov

The moment Zac entered the room, I shut off the security cameras from Travis's house. Meaning, I could still use the cameras, but no one else could. Then I sent a text through my laptop to my Nicky phone.

'Can't talk anymore. Look for sticky note. C u soon.'

I would be too busy putting my plan in action to give them directions to every single thing. So I focused on hacking for a while. I shut down the alarm and the laser trap system. Then I sent texts to Aunt Carter about what I needed from UnderKover. I then looked through the cameras to see if Travis's men moved around too much. That could ruin the plan, but thankfully it didn't happen. 

"So are you done yet?"

I looked up to see Travis coming closer. The food at the table was no longer there, it was in the trash can. 

God, I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings. 

"I'm not, but I am bored of it." I closed my laptop and put it away, not wanting to take any chances. Besides, I was done with electronic work. Now the rest depended on the rest of them.

Travis came and sat beside me, "Does that mean we can talk now, you seem kind of unapproachable..."

Hmm, I wonder why that is. "Sorry about that, what do you want to talk about?"


I froze. I hoped I didn't hear that right, because if I did, then this guy has some nerves. "What do you mean?"

"You know, when I left that day, I kind of regretted it," He leaned backwards, using his arms for support. "I wanted to bring you along with me."

Well, I'm glad you didn't.

"And I really wish that I did. I mean, look at you! You're such a fine young lady now."

Oookaaaay, that's weird. Is this one of his flirty advances, or is he speaking serious here? What does he want from me?! Get away. Get away, get away! 

I mentally shook my head. Relax, take deep breaths, don't give anything away. "Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad to know you think that way."

He chuckled, "Yeah." He just stared at me for a second. Then before I could move away, he kissed my cheek--and I almost lost it.

Who the hell gave him permission to do that?! I wanted to wipe his kiss away in frustration, but then he touched my face and made me look at him.

Clear your thoughts, Nicky! Don't give anything away! Bear with it for a few minutes before Alex and the others come in!

Suddenly, something in his expression changed; I didn't know what, though. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, because no one had ever looked at me like that before. His eyes were full of...lust.

I didn't like it. 

He slowly tilted his head, as if he was about to kiss me.

Forget the plan! 

I was not about to let myself be kissed (on my lips) by someone other than Alex. I was just about to push him away, but it turned out that I didn't need to; someone burst in the room.


Travis closed his eyes, as if to control his anger. He let go of me, and turned to him, "What?"

I don't know who you are, but good job, baldie!

"We can't get in the cameras anymore; they closed up and were hacked into."

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