Ch 3: Home

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The picture is Zac.
Alex's pov:

Today right after I reached school, I found Nichole waiting at my locker. She handed me my charm bracelet before saying anything and was about to leave before saying anything. I stopped her without thinking. When she raised an eyebrow in confusion, I cursed myself. Why did I just do that?

"Um," I got an idea. "How much do you want?"

"Excuse me?" 

I clarified, "How much money do you want?"

She frowned, "Zero bucks."

I shook my head, "I really don't like being indebted. And so I want to repay you for fixing my bracelet. By the way, I only have enough money on me for lunch. Tell me the price and I'll pay you tomorrow." It was true, just because I'm rich doesn't mean I have to carry a lot of money around.

She thought for a moment. "I actually don't want you to do anything, but I understand the feeling of hating debts so..."

"So...the amount?" I prompted.

She shook her head. "The payment doesn't have to be in cash. That's negotiable, right?"

"Yeah..." I was hoping to do it in cash so I had an excuse to see her tomorrow as well.

What the heck?! Did I seriously just think that? What is wrong with you, Alex?!

"Okay, then," she finalized. "You can repay me buy picking my brother up."


"My brother works at your dad's company. He doesn't have a ride home today for complex reasons, so can you drop him off?"

She had to be kidding me. "I'm supposed to repay you not your brother."

She shrugged. "You're technically going to be helping me, indirectly. But of course you don't have to do it. I'm fine either way."

Well, I can't really ask her to change her request; that's just rude. Besides, "I have to drop him off at your house?"

She nodded. 

That means I get to know where she lives!

*Mental smack* Get a hold of yourself! My conscious scolded me.

I cleared my throat. "Okay, then. By the way, I have to go ask a teacher some questions. Can I take details on your brother after school?"

"Sure, see you."

Great, good job me! I secured another chance to see her.

UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously need to stop. I have all the girls in the school-I don't need to care about the Nerd!

I headed towards my chemistry class before I had any more useless thoughts.

After School

I hurried over to Nichole's locker as soon as the bell rang. She was about to close the door, then spotted  me and reopened it. She reached in and brought out a card.

A business card. Of her brother.

"Like I said earlier," she said. "My brother works at UnderKover. Since you're the son of the owners, I don't think you'll need it. But just in case, this card holds the desk location of my brother. Oh, and," she took a picture out of her pocket. "This is what he looks like."

I took the picture and kept it in my pocket. "Got it."

"Also, you can keep the card, but I want the picture back."

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