Ch 28: Phase 1

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Alex's pov

There was an awkward silence in the room, the only sound being Nicky's typing.

"Um, who's Travis?" I asked, partially because I was uncomfortable in the silence, and also because I genuinely wanted to know.

"I told you about him," my girlfriend answered, "He's my first crush, and also the person who killed my parents."

Anger burned in me, because of the killing part,yes, but mostly because he was her first crush. I wanted to beat him up for breaking her heart. 

"Nicky, are you sure it's him?" Richard asked cautiously.

"I'm positive. Who else do we know that would want to kill spies from UnderKover and whose name also starts with a 'T'?"

She did have a point there.

"Alex," she looked at me as if I was forgetting something. When I had no clue what she was talking about, she sighed. "Get the rest of them to come to the office."

Oh right. I took out my phone and speed dialed my dad. I asked him to come here, after I explained the situation. Once I was done, I found Nicky working on my mom's computer and her laptop at the same time, one hand on each keyboard. Dad and the others came and the first thing Zac said was, "Are you okay?" to Nicky.

"I'm fine; now's not the exact time for a mental breakdown."

I guess they were talking about her trauma. While she was doing her thing, our doctor explained us the situation. 

"According to a DNA test, all thirty of them are dead, but we still haven't found the bodies of a few."

"But, on the bright side, we know that there are at least thirty people in that group," Ryan said. "One of the victims survived long enough to point in a certain direction. When we followed the route, we caught up with the culprits. They managed to run away, but not before us taking their picture. We even caught one of them; that's how we know their numbers. But he poisoned himself before we could get anything else out of him."

Poisoned himself? So that means that they would rather die than disclose information--or maybe they were ordered to do so.

"That last part doesn't surprise me," said Zac. "Travis was a psychopath; clearly, he still is."


"Oh, come on!"

We all snapped our heads in the direction of the one person who wasn't paying attention, who also happened to be the leader of this squad. She angrily closed her laptop and got up, "I'm going to my office. And Aunt Carter? Please have your computer updated; that version is useless," she huffed.

She put on her face net and left the room. We all followed with bewildered faces and chuckles. I didn't enter the room the first time, so I took my time to check it out now. Her room was a lot like mine, except less space and more computers. There was another door inside that probably led to her dressing room. She had ten chairs in the room, probably for her squad mates, one small table with glasses and a fridge beside it. Other than that, she had a huge desk with three computers, an entire glass cupboard with a lot of other devices I didn't even know existed, and a big TV at the back of her desk, facing us, while the computers faced her.

The room was as amazing as it was intimidating. 

"So, Nicky." Zac opened the fridge and took out a family size bottle of juice. "What are you hacking into this time?"

"The airport," she opened up all of the screens and started typing. 

"Why do you need to hack into the airport?" Dad spoke what we were all thinking.

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