Ch 7: Specialty

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Author's Note: This chapter is going to take place while Alex was in the office.

Nichole's pov

Alex got up and hurriedly left the car to go meet his parents. The moment he left, I turned to Richard. "What's the situation?"

He knew what I meant and replied immediately, "Mary and Ryan are chasing the car. Ash and Becky are also in pursuit using a different route. Becky's still trying to figure out the location."

I nodded and returned to my laptop screen. I managed to fool Alex into thinking I was working on a homework, when in fact I was just hacking. 

Richard dropped me off at the waiting area. "I'm gonna stay in the car. It'll save time."

I nodded and was on my way. I went through the waiting room, used the elevator, entered my 'office' and ran into the dressing room attached at the corner. Since I was keeping my identity a secret, I wanted to wear clothes that cover my face. I wanted to wear a simple hoodie on jeans, but Marilyn gave me these clothes, saying it gives me an 'intimate' look. Though I won't argue, it really doesn't matter what I wear as long as my face is hidden.

I changed my clothes and put my laptop in my working bag, then I ran straight for the director and chairman's office. 

"Son," said Mr. Carter. "Let me introduce you to the hacker Phoenix."

I wish I could've recorded his reaction. At first he just openly gaped at me, the all of his worries seemed to leave him at once.

"Wait, Phoenix is a girl?!"

I chuckled, trying not to burst out laughing. "Well, aren't you sexist."

He seemed to be taken a back then. "S-sorry. I just...I just never expected you to be a girl, and so young too."

I smiled. "That's the natural stereotype, I guess. Anyway, let's get down to work. "

They all nodded. Though I already know since I asked Richard, I still had to pretend to be clueless so Alex wouldn't know who I am. "So what do we know?"

But of course my brother knew that I knew, so he kept it simple. He pointed on the screens that showed the rest of the team. "These four are on the chase."

That pretty much summed it up. "Got it."

Alex looked like he was about to say 'That's it?' but his father interrupted, "So what do we do?"

I thought for a moment. "First of all, Carters, stay in HQ. Alex Carter, go with Zac. I'll go with Richard, who's waiting in the car."

They all nodded. 

"Okay, people, let's move."

We went to the parking lot, but seriously, this place was so huge, that alone took five minutes. And we were running. I opened my laptop as soon as I got in the car and also took of my face net. Since the car was tinted, there was no need for that.

Because I pitied Alex being so clueless, I decided to explain the situation to him. But first, I put on my earpiece and started speaking. "Hey guys, roll call. Mr. Carter?"

"I hear you."

"Mrs. Carter?"

"I'm here."


"Yo," came her voice through the earpiece.



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