Ch 9: Promise

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Nichole's pov

Alex, Amy and I went straight to their parents when we reached there. I said my goodbyes (much to Amy's protest) and ran back to my office. I quickly changed my clothes, put my laptop in my school bag and went straight to the waiting area. There was a cafe over there that I was really familiar with. I always waited there whenever I had to wait for Zac and the others.

"Hey, James." I said as I sat in the spot I always sit. "Can I have the usual?"

"Sure," he smiled. 

I opened my laptop and logged into my student account. I started to work on my homework (thank god I already finished more than half of it at home;I can at least say I got a good chunk done) as James brought my hot white chocolate. I brought out my homemade sandwich to go with it.

A few moments later, Alex and his sister came in the cafe. They were headed towards the counter when Alex spotted me. They made their way towards me, "Hey, Nichole."

I pretended as if I have never seen the girl before. "Hey, oh so this is your sister. Hi, I'm Nichole."

She grinned. "I'm Amy! Are you a friend of my brother?"

Alex was about to answer, but I stopped him. "Nope, we're just classmates." Better get that out of the way.

For some reason, Alex looked like he didn't like my answer. I didn't understand what that meant and I wasn't gonna think about it.

"Is that so?" She smiled innocently. "Do you know someone here?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for my brother. He was on the mission to save you. Why don't you guys have a seat?" I motioned to the two empty chairs at my table.

They obliged. "Say, say, do you know of the Phoenix?" She asked. 

I smiled inwardly, I had a feeling I knew where this was going. "Yes, I do. What about her?"

"She just saved my life! I'm the biggest fan of Phoenix, and I can't believe she just saved my life."

I giggled. "That's kind of what she does, though. Saving the day and all." Though I never considered hacking a good thing, I was happy she thought that way.

"Wait," Alex said, "you knew she was a girl?"

I rolled my eyes. "Duh, of course I did. She's a part of my brother's squad. All of his friends are my friends."

"Oh, right." God, this guy was stupid.

"Alex," said Amy, "I'm hungry." 

"Right, what do you want to eat?"

"What Nichole's eating! That looks tasty." She eyed it hungrily.

I chuckled. "You are too cute. Do you want a bite?" 

"Please!" I cut out a piece and fed it to her through an unused fork. "Yummy! Alex, I want it!"

He chuckled. "Okay, um, what's the name for that?"

"Oh, it's not from here. I made it at home."

Amy moaned. Then turned cheery, "You make amazing sandwiches," then turned sad again. "I want some," she mumbled.

"But Amy, you can't take her lunch," Alex said, though it looked like it pained him to say so.

It pained me too. Making her look down like that almost made me feel guilty. Darn her cuteness.

"Here, you can have it."

She immediately perked up, but then changed her mind. "No, Alex is right. I can't take your lunch."

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