Ch 33: Strawberries

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Alex's pov


The moment Nicky shouted that, as per her instructions, I covered my face and ducked. Glass shattered all around.


A few shards of glass scratched my arm, but I barely noticed them. Helicopters suddenly surrounded the place, and I heard my mom's voice, "Travis Michaelis, you are under arrest."

I got up just as everyone else and stared bewildered my girlfriend. She was still crouched down, but her face was not covered anymore; but she still had the blindfold on. People from UnderKover burst in the room through the windows and through the doors. (They needed to stop; this room was getting crowded). But they helped; they took out the dead bodies and handcuffed the ones who were still alive. 

Travis was shackled, hands and feet and also had a duct tape on his mouth. He was struggling, trying to escape, but in vain. There were two people holding him down. He screamed out something, but it was unintelligible thanks to the duct tape. Though it was probably something along the lines of, "You will not get away with this!"

I took a look around, and saw that everyone from the squad was exhausted and injured, but it was nothing fatal. Only cuts and bruises here and there. Some of us were grazed by bullets, but thankfully the wounds weren't deep. Travis's men weren't that experienced in fighting, I realized. They were just shooting randomly without aim. On the other hand, we were trained to do this. Zac was the best in hand to hand combat, and Mary was even more impressive. I don't think that she missed even a single target. I think most of the people died at her hands. Her bullets always hit the vital parts in one clean hit. One bullet per person is all she needed. But even so, the rest weren't bad either. They were all amazing.

Ashley helped treat our wounds; she was the one who was moving around the most right now. She came forward to treat me, but I refused. I was the least injured and I was worried about someone else right now. 

I stepped over the dead bodies and went over to her. She was sitting with her arms hugging her knees, still blindfolded, her face covered. I noticed that she was shaking a bit. 

I knelt down in front of her, "Hey,"

She moved, but didn't respond or look up. 

"It's over."

She nodded slowly and still didn't look up. She was still shaking though.

"What's wrong?"

Instead of responding, she showed me her hands. They had some blood on them. "I tried to crawl, so I can get away from the wall and call someone to help me over, but then I felt my hands touch something liquid." She explained as she shook more violently now, "I know what it is, and it feels the same as when my parents died."

I hugged her, hating to see her like this. I never experienced something that traumatic, so I didn't know how to comfort her. "Shh, it's over now. Travis is captured, the blood on your hands does not belong to someone we know. And in this situation, no one died. We're all safe, we're all together."

She nodded onto my shoulder. She stopped trembling and went limp. "Woah," she said as she lost her balance in my arms. 

"You okay?"

"Yeah, maybe it's because I feel relieved that everything really is over now." She spoke in whispers now, "All the time, while facing the murderer of my parents, I was putting on a strong front, when inside I was horrified. I kept trying to think of other things, like the plan, but now that I don't have to, it's like all the Adrenaline has left my body."

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