Ch 26: Taken

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Nicky's pov

I pulled back as back as quick as I leaned in. I really couldn't believe I actually had the guts to do it. I honestly couldn't pin point the reason why I did it. Maybe I wanted to get back at him for not telling me his birthday. Maybe I wanted to genuinely give him that as a gift. Or maybe I seriously wanted to do it.

The thought frightened me...but I knew that all three of the reasons were true. Now that I finally got my heart to open up to Alex, I realized he really was truly compassionate. In his own annoying ways, but still. Realizing that made me realize that I actually did like him. 

I looked at him now and would've burst out laughing, if I didn't just have my first kiss. Alex was staring at me in a daze. That was not the reaction I wanted from him, but it was funny so it worked. I waved my hand over his face--no reaction. I snapped my fingers beside his ears--no reaction. I called his name--no reaction. I ruffled his hair--no reaction.

Oh my god, I think I just killed someone. Maybe I should run away before the cops show...

Just kidding. "ALEX!"

He snapped awake (finally), "I'm sorry, did you just kiss me?"

I faked thinking, "Well, I'm not sure but I believe that that action is called 'kissing', yes."

He blinked, touched his lips and stared at me in confusion. "What? Kiss--wha?" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I think my brain just short-circuited."

Yeah, I can see that. "Can't blame you."

He continued staring at me as if I was a math problem--one he had no idea how to solve. "Why-? For my birthday gift? Tell me it's not just that..."

I could hear the plead in his voice. Obviously, he wanted it to be more than a 'gift.' And I think it's about time I stopped running away from this. "It's more than that."

He stood up to meet my eyes. Although now I was the one looking up, since he was taller than me. "Really?" 

I didn't need to see or be smart to know how desperately he wanted it to be true.

I smiled, thinking how much he cares about me. "Really?"

"Does--" He hesitated, "Does that mean you're willing to be my girlfriend now?"

Okay, I like this guy, but he's seriously an idiot. "I wouldn't have kissed you if I wasn't." Even if it's a birthday present for the only friend I have who's my age, I'm not willing to go that far.

When I said that Alex looked like he was about to cry. He picked me up, spun around once and crushed me into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."

I laughed, at myself mostly. Because surprising, I was just as happy as he was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. When I pulled back, I saw that Alex's face was wet.

"Why are you crying?" I asked incredulous.

"Because I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now."

I laughed again, this time at him. This guy should get used to being happy; he has no right not to be with everything he has. 

"Is that so?" I mused as I played with his hair; Alex was still holding upwards. I was kind of surprised by his strength; I wasn't exactly light. But that thought was at the back of my mind; it was irrelevant.

"Nicky?" Alex's eyes were full of love--or lust, I couldn't tell.


"Can I kiss you?"

"I'm your girlfriend now; you don't have to ask."

His eyes--already bright--shone with pure bliss. He put me down now and leaned towards me.

The first one was just a peck, so it didn't feel like much, especially compared to this kiss.This one felt like the sun going supernova. It was soft, but intense. I don't even have the words to explain it. It was amazing. When we broke apart, both of us were gasping hard. And giggling at the same time. Alex kissed me once more before letting go of me. Well, not really because he still had his arms around me, but he at least loosened his tight hold. We just stared into each others eyes as we smiled. Alex tucked my hair behind my ear, absently, as if it was a reflex. "Thank you."

"For what exactly?" How many times is he gonna thank me?

"For making this the best birthday ever."

I beamed at him, "Well, I'm glad to hear that."

We both chuckled and joined our foreheads, just simply thankful for the moment. 

Then we left his room, and went outside for a walk, with our fingers interlocked. "So..." Alex started.

"So?" I don't know why, but my brain was empty right now. What did we usually talk about? It's like every thought I had just flew out the window. 

"Can I tell people that I have a girlfriend now?"

He was talking about the school thing, how I'm a quiet 'nerd'. Honestly, I wanted to to be open about it. But if people in school found out about it, my life would be a mess. The boys would get close to me to see what was so 'amazing' about the school's player's girlfriends. And the girls would all come together to make me the school's bully target. I sighed, "Not in school. You can tell everyone that you have a girlfriend, but don't tell them who it is. Ah, but you can tell the squad....actually you can't tell them either."

"Why not them?" He frowned.

"Because I want to be the one to tell them." I rarely ever get to break these kind of news, so I want to take the honor.

He laughed at that, "Okay, you'll tell the squad I'm your boyfriend, and I'll tell the school that I'm no longer free now."

"Yeah, that works," I chuckled too.

Honestly speaking, I never thought the day would come when I would tell anyone that I'm taken.

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