Ch 21: Kathrine

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Nicky's pov

We went to the food court and met up with the rest of them. We were the last ones to join in so the boys had already picked out some tables and joined them so that all of us could sit together. Even after we finished eating, we still sat around, talking about random things. Then Amy needed to accept nature's call. And since she was a kid, she wanted someone to go with her. But since Alex was a boy, I volunteered to take her instead. When she was washing her hands, she suddenly froze.

"What is it?" I asked concerned.

She slowly closed the tap. "You see that girl over there?" She pointed over to the other end of the counter. "I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen her somewhere before."

She's probably one of Alex's play girls.

But by this time, she spotted us too, and she clearly knew the little angel beside me because she called out to her. "Amy?"

Amy had an expression that was like, I knew I recognized her!

"Hello?" She made it sound like a question, as if she was cautious.

The girl came closer and I saw that she was around our age. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and she was really gorgeous. 

Yup, she's definitely one of Alex's girls.

She looked at me, as if she was assessing me. "Hi, I'm Kathrine. It's been a while, Amy. How's Alex?"

"He's the same as always, umm, who are you?"

Kathrine chuckled. "I guess you wouldn't remember. You were really new to the family back then."

That means this girl hasn't met them for around two to three years.

"Well, like I said, I'm Kathrine. And I'm Alex's ex-girlfriend."

Okay. I did not see that one coming.

I always had the impression that Alex never dated girls. He hung out with them, he played around with them(if you know what I mean), but I don't think he ever fully went out with them.

Kathrine looked at me, "so are you his current girlfriend?"

"No way." I don't like this. How dare she hook me with him?

She raised an eyebrow. "So why are you with Amy?"

"Why do you want to know?" I really don't like people who don't mind their own business.

She looked taken aback. "I was just curious. But I wonder who he's dating now?" She added as an after thought.

"No one," I answered as I fixed Amy's hair for her, "he's just a useless flirt."

She froze. "Alex? A flirt? You're kidding, right?"

That stopped me. "I'm not; he's the biggest flirt I know."

Well, Richard is probably the, they're equal.

She chuckled. "I wonder if we're talking about the same Alex here. The Alex I was dating would never flirt with anyone. In fact, he rarely went out with girls."

We're definitely not talking the same Alex here, but then how did she know Amy? 

Oh, who cares?

We went back to the food court and joined the rest of our friends.

"What took you so long?" Alex, who was in front of me and beside Amy, asked.

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