Ch 8: Cage

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Nichole's pov

"Guys, turn on the GPS of your cars."

A moment later , I was able able to see exactly where everyone was on the laptop.

"Marilyn, can you throw a tracker on the car in question?"

"Uh, yeah. Ryan speed up a bit." Then I heard what sounded like a gun shot.

"Done."Another red light appeared on the screen sticking really close to Ryan's car.

I devised a plan in my head to get that car make its way to the factory. Since I had already hacked into the traffic light system, I used that to make sure that car stopped at a red light.

"I hate to do this to you guys, but Ryan and Marilyn, you guys are about to be jammed in traffic."

"Why?" came Alex's curious voice.

"Because I hacked into the traffic light system. Every turn that guy takes, he's going to be stuck in traffic. And what do you do when you're in a hurry and you're stuck in traffic?"

"You take a different route?"

"Exactly. When he takes a different route, there will be more traffic. In the end, he's gonna take the route that will go to the factory. And that's where we will be. Therefore, Zac, drive at seventy-five mph. Ashley, stop the car. Richard, speed up by five. Ryan, take a left turn."

"Um, what are you doing?"

"I'm instructing my team mates."

"No, I meant-"

"Alex," Marilyn interrupted. "You'll understand once we save your sister. We were all this confused when we first had Phoenix take over a mission, so I don't blame you. But trust me, that girl is smarter than any and all of us, so leave the flow to her."

Awn, that was so sweet of her, and no one here was gonna argue with her statement.

"Okay," he didn't say anything after that. Looks like he finally decided to trust me.

I returned my attention to the screen and continued giving directions, when a thought entered my mind. "Ryan and Marilyn, is there another car or something?"

Ryan answered, "No, but the driver kept talking on the phone, almost as if he was asking for instructions."

"Got it." So there was another person. I kinda had a feeling that the kidnapper wouldn't be doing this without help.

"Ryan, stop your car.On the count of three, take a sharp turn right...1..2...3!"

"Amazing directions, girl! The kidnapper's car is again right in front of us," Marilyn whistled.

"Thanks." Okay, it's show time. We were almost at there.

"Ashley, at the end of the road, turn your car ninety degrees. Block the road. Then leave the car. That's the spot where we will ambush them. Zac, you do the same at the end of the next right turn. Richard, likewise. Marilyn only do that once The kidnappers car has stopped because of the car in front of it, which will be Zac's car."

And in 5...4...3...2...1! All three cars, excluding Ryan's, came at the end of the crossroad at the same time. I wore my net and we all left our cars. In the distance, I could see two cars coming towards us. The driver in the first car was talking on the phone. He looked like he was in a panic, that's probably why he didn't notice we were there until he was too close to back up. Ryan turned the car sideways, blocking any form of escape. The two of them got out and joined us.

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