Ch 32: Arrest

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Nicky's pov

I hoped it worked.

I would've told Alex that Travis pecked my cheek anyways, but I purposely said it now to make him angry. When Uncle Carter said what he did, I realized that I've never seen Alex angry before. He got annoyed and irritated, but it wasn't really rage. I was hoping that Alex would get offended at someone who tried to kiss his girlfriend. And from the look on his face, I guess it worked. 

Because he looked like he was about to kill the man who held a gun at my head. 

"Shut up!" Travis yelled, "You speak anymore and I'll do more than that!"

I was sure that he wasn't kidding, and that he really will go as far as to take me right there and then.

Travis, to prove his point, pulled me harder against him, and pressed the gun into my temple. As natural  human instinct, I shut my eyes. Not because I was scared, but because it hurt. I knew I wasn't gonna get shot, because I wasn't done yet. Travis still has another thing coming at him. I need to check my watch to see approximately how much time I needed to buy. But Travis was clutching my stomach from behind me, so I couldn't move my hands to glance at my wrist. And also because I had a gun at my head, so I didn't want to move recklessly.

But I suddenly felt loose, as if he let go of me. And I no longer felt the gun digging into my skin.

I subconsciously took a step forward, just to get away from him, and opened my eyes to see what made him let go. 

The gun hit the floor, Travis was clutching his nose with both hands, and Alex was right next to me, with his leg, completely straight, raised to Travis's height.

Alex has such a strong, perfect, high kick!

"Hands. Off." Alex threatened in a dangerously calm tone.

Then he turned to me, going back to the usual, devoted boyfriend, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." I replied in a daze. 

I never thought I'd ever see Alex look like that.

Travis got up and glared at Alex, he scrambled for his gun and aimed it at him. And two other people from Travis side came behind and aimed at Alex too, but from a bit further away.

"Alex." I gestured towards them.

He looked over his shoulder and then back at Travis, then at me. Then he looked at the rest of my comrades, who were all surrounded as well. I checked my watch. Ten more minutes.

Alex took a step closer to me. "Things are about to get bloody. Do you want to stay and cover your eyes, or do you prefer to leave?"

Even at times like these he's thinking about me.

I actually just wanted to leave, but I needed to be here for the next part of the plan. "I'll just cover my eyes."

He nodded, took out a dagger from his gear, and cut up his sleeve. I raised an eyebrow as I questioned what he was gonna do with it, when one of the men came closer with a metal bat, about to hit Alex.


Alex simply just elbowed behind him, straight into the stomach of the guy. Nice reflexes.

As I looked at the guy, Alex cut up the sleeve even more, and held it up for me. "Here, use this as a blindfold."

I wondered if I was going crazy, because when my brother and my closest friends were in danger, I was thinking about how sweet my boyfriend is.

He stepped closer, as to tie it on my head. But I stopped him. "One second." I checked my watch and set a timer on my phone. Nine minutes.

I went and stood next to the window, by the wall, as to not get caught up in all of this. "Okay, I'm good now."

He raised an eyebrow at that but didn't question me. He was about to tie it, when was interrupted again by Travis, who was engaged in battle with Zac. Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to control his irritation. He flung his hand and hit the guy's nose, again. "Can't you wait for a moment?"

He finally covered my eyes, asking if it was too tight. When I told him it was okay, he kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back."

"Wait, Alex, on my word, get ready to duck with your face covered, pass on the message to the rest of the squad secretly."

"Got it," he whispered.

I felt him step away, joining the rest of the squad in the battle. It was pitch black, so I wasn't sure what was going on, but they was a lot of gory shouts, gunshots, and screams in agony. At one point it was completely quiet and all I could hear was panting. 

"Alex." I heard Uncle Carters voice, full of warning.

I very different kind of feeling overcame me, one I've never felt before. I felt scared...for Alex. Was he at gunpoint? Did Travis get him? What was going on? I wanted to take off my blindfold to see what was going on, but didn't because I knew I was gonna regret it. And my timer didn't ring yet. So I couldn't step in the fight either. 

"Alex, let him go." Uncle Carter spoke again. 

Let him go? Was Alex the one holding the gun? At who? Travis?

Why was time so slow when you needed it to go fast?!

"Why should I?" Alex said. "Give me one good reason for me to spare his life. Especially after all he did to Nicky..." He trailed off.

By that dialogue, I could tell that Alex was the one who had Travis cornered. 

"Alex, I know what you feel like," my brother said, "Believe me, I want him dead too. But we need him for interrogation. We need to find out if there are more people with him."

"Oh yes, there are." There was more shuffling, and Travis continued. "I have many more people, and they're right behind you!"

I heard more people come in, more screams, more footsteps.

Oh, come on. How many did he have?

Not that it mattered. I was itching for my timer to go off. Nine minutes have never felt this long in my life. God bless blind people. They have a lot of patience to put up with this for their entire lives. 

I think the battle continued, but it was time for it to finish, because finally--finally-- my timer rang.

It was quiet dead silent when that happened, everyone was probably wondering what was going on. But I still needed a a few more seconds, that I was counting in my head. I couldn't set the timer at the exact thing; it's still be a few seconds off.

So I finished counting the seconds to the number I remembered from looking at my watch, and then shouted, "GET DOWN!"

I myself crouched down and covered my face (I hoped Alex managed to get everybody down too), just as I heard all the glass on the windows shatter. 

Then I heard the sound of choppers coming closer, as I felt people jump down from the windows.

I heard Aunt Carter's voice from a speaker from a chopper, "Travis Michaelis, you are under arrest."

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