Tasting The Rainbow {7}

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That's the picture in the house (ft. Miko Hughes, Kendall Ryan Sanders, and David Pavluk)


                                                                    ***Zelly’s POV***

                “So whaddupski for today?” I asked Clapper, going up to him in the morning. He raised an eyebrow. “Whaddupski? Ya chinky fag. Anyways, I’m waiting for Addison so that we can figure that out. She wants Mr. Cool Eyes to hang out with us.”

                “Adam?” I asked eagerly and he rolled his eyes. “Who else has really cool eyes? Certainly not a chink like you. You with your black eyes…It’s not natural.”

                “Clapper…fuck you,” I grumbled. “Hey! Watch it! Or I will hit you so hard it will un-slant your eyes!” he cried and I face palmed myself. “Racist piece of shit. Where’s Addison?”

                “Zelly, if I knew where Addison was, would I be waiting for her?” he asked me impatiently. “Addison’s right here!” Addison said, popping out of nowhere with a smile on her face.

                “Ew. So what are we doing afterschool today?” Clapper asked, crossing his arms. “Well, I really want Adam to hang out with us. He doesn’t really have a lot of friends and-” “Gee, I wonder why,” Clapper said sarcastically and Addison playfully hit him. “And I think he’s lonely, even if he won’t admit it,” she finished.

                “Okay. And…?” Clapper pressed. Addison rolled her eyes. “And he refuses to come over to your house so I was thinking…we could go to my house? Then Adam can’t get away from us,” she said with a bright smile.

                “I have a feeling if we go to your house, we’re going to get raped,” Clapper said with an affirmative nod. “Nah, they don’t want the clap,” I said with a grin and he flipped me off.

                I shrugged and turned to Addison. “I’m down for that.” “That’s only because you want to go fuck Adam in his room,” Clapper said and it was my turn to flip him off. Addison giggled. “Just don’t tell Adam that you’re coming over. He’ll get mad and leave the house. He’s a little antisocial.”

                “I hadn’t noticed,” Clapper said sarcastically and Addison pouted. “Be nice to my brother Marco!” she whined. He grinned. “I’m nice to everyone. Just ask the chink.”

                So afterschool, we got on Addison’s bus. We got off at her house and I bit my lip. “Addison, he wasn’t on the bus. Is he even coming home?”

                She nodded. “Yea! He caught a ride home with Kobi, I think. Do you guys know Kobi Brigs?” Clapper and I both shook our heads as she led us to the front door. “Oh, well he’s Adam’s best friend. If he is here, don’t make fun of him Marco.”

                Clapper rolled his eyes. “Me make fun of someone? Never.” Addison shook her head as she led us inside her house. We followed her into her living room.

                “Is that Adam?” I asked in shock, staring at a frame on the wall that held 3 pictures in it. “Yea! That’s him when he was about 2 or 3, and that’s him when he was…maybe 12? And that’s him now!” Addison said with a smile.

                Clapper stared at the pictures. “He looked like an oompa loompa when he was a little kid,” he said and smirked. “Aw Marco! Stop being mean!” Addison whined.

                “Addi, who’s here?” Adam’s voice called down the stairs. “Come down and find out!” Addison called back with a smirk.

                I listened as someone made their way down the stairs and then Adam and some other kid entered the living room. Adam’s eyes met mine and my breath caught in my throat. God dammit he was attractive.

                “Hi Addison!” the other kid said with a slight lisp. “Hiya Kobi! Oh yea, Adam you already know Zelly. Kobi, this is Zelly. And this is Marco,” Addison introduced.

                “Hi. Nice to meet you,” Kobi said to us. “You too,” I said and glanced at Clapper out of the corner of my eye. He was eyeing Kobi carefully, trying to figure out what Addison thought he was going to make fun of. Other than the slight lisp, he seemed pretty normal. Well, he spoke kind of slow. But that was it.

                “Kin we go get food Ah-dum? I’m hungwy,” Kobi said, and I glanced at Clapper again. “Sure. Let’s go,” Adam said, completely ignoring us and leading Kobi into the kitchen.

                “Why does he talk funny?” Clapper asked and Addison frowned. “I said don’t make fun of him! Kobi’s really nice. He just has a speech impediment. He can’t help it.”

                Adam and Kobi reappeared and went upstairs. Addison led us into the kitchen. “Do you guys want tacos? I can make them.” We nodded. “Sure,” I said with a casual shrug.

                She grabbed meat and threw it into a pan. She tried to turn the stove on and sighed in frustration. “Zelly, can you please go get Adam? Tell him I need his help with the stove.” I nodded. “Sure,” I said. “Which room is his?”

                “His bedroom door has a sign with his name on it,” she said and I nodded again and left the room. I went upstairs and glanced at the closed bedroom doors.

                One of the doors had a handmade poster that read “Adam” on it. I went and knocked on the door. “Come in,” Adam’s ice cold voice called emotionlessly. I opened the door and let myself in.

                “Addison-” My words caught in my throat a little. Adam was lying on his bed with a girl hugged lovingly in his arms. She was giggling and he was kissing her cheek with a small smile. 

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