Tasting The Rainbow {22}

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                “Clapper, shut up!” I cried in annoyance as he continued to sing Kim by Eminem. He flipped me off and continued to sing it. I sighed and turned my speakers up, blasting Kill Everybody (Bare Noize Remix).

                Clapper stopped singing and grinned at me. “Hey Zelly, do you know that song Skill Rex by that band Dubstep?” he asked and it was my turn to flip him off. “Shut up! I like some of Skrillex’s stuff,” I whined.

                He grabbed my iPod and changed the song to I Am Not A Whore by LMFAO. “Oh now this isn’t true,” I said, winking. Clapper rolled his eyes. “Shut up. I had sex one time. That doesn’t make me a whore!” he whined.

                “You should date Addison,” I said and he shrugged. “I’ve actually thought about asking her out. I just don’t want my mom to flip on me. She’s convinced I’m a sex addict.” “Aw, ask her Clapper. I know for a fact that she likes you,” I said with a smile.

                “Double dates, bitches!” he said with a lisp, and flicked his wrist. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and he snickered. “Just kidding. I would never go on a double date with you and Adam. I’d rather not watch you suck his dick.”

                “Dude, we’ve been dating for like 2 days! I’m not a whore either!” I cried and laughed a little. He shrugged again. “I see you guys fucking each other in the future. That’s gotta be awkward. How do you decide who sticks it and who takes it when you’re gay? I mean, I just stuck it and she took it. But when it’s two guys…”

                I smacked his arm and shook my head. “You pervert. I’m a virgin. I don’t fucking know!” I said and he smirked at me. “You want Adam’s dick!” he cried and I shook my head again. “Clapper you can be in a relationship without sex!” I cried. “I’ve been in two other relationships and never sucked a dick in my life!”

                “There’s a first time for everything,” he said with a wink and I rolled my eyes and jumped off my bed. “Let’s go eat lunch. I’m hungry,” I said and he nodded in agreement before following me out of my bedroom and down to my kitchen.

                “Hi boys. What are you up to today?” my dad asked as I put on water for some Mac and Cheese. I shrugged and glanced at Clapper. “What are we up to for today?” I asked, having absolutely no clue. Clapper shrugged as well.

                “I think I’ll leave and go to Addison’s in a little to ask her out. Screw my mom,” Clap said and I laughed at him. “Oh Marco, be nice to your mom. She loves you a lot,” dad said, shaking his head at Clapper.

                “She’s too freaking strict!” he whined. “Marco, you DID have an STD when you were 14,” dad pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him. “I’d be strict with you too.” Clapper waved his hand at my dad dismissively. “Details, details,” he said with no interest.

                “Barry, when I told you to make friends the first day of preschool, I didn’t mean friends with attitudes,” dad said and Clapper pouted. I could see him fighting back a racist comment and snickered at him.

                We ate lunch and Clapper pulled his shoes on. “Wish me luck. My mom’s going to flip shit,” he grumbled and I laughed. “It’ll all work out. Text me when she says yes,” I said and he nodded and left my house to go to the Aces’.

                About a half hour later, my phone buzzed and I laughed as I opened the text.

                From: Clapper

                Asked her out. She said yes. Went home. Told mother dearest. Was informed that if I engage in sexual intercourse of any sorts with new girlfriend, my penis would be torn off and saved in a box to be returned as a wedding present. Oh I love my mom.

                Once I managed to stop laughing, I sighed and laid on my bed in boredom, wondering what Adam was doing. He was probably over at Kobi’s house, hanging out with him. I frowned deeply, wishing I was with Adam.

                I texted him and curled up on my bed, suddenly feeling sleepy. I closed my eyes and passed the fuck out, hearing my phone thud to the ground as it slipped out of my hand.

                Sometime later, I felt someone shaking me. “Zelly! Jesus fucking Christmas; will you wake up?” an annoyed voice said and I was shaken harder. I groaned lightly and slowly sat up, cracking my eyes open.

                They were instantly captured by the icy blue eyes of Adam Ace. “Adam? What are you doing here?” I asked sleepily. He sat next to me and pulled out his cell phone.

                “You texted me my name with a crying face. Then you didn’t reply or answer any of my million thousand phone calls. So I came to make sure you were okay. You dumbass,” he said, shaking his head and glaring at me.

                “Sorry. I was bored. But then I fell asleep,” I said, stretching and grabbing my phone off the ground. I had 10 new texts from Adam, and 12 missed calls. “Answer your god damn phone when I’m calling you,” he said, glaring harder. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. He was glaring, yes, but the look in his eyes was not an angry one. It was slightly amused and slightly concerned.

                “So your best friend asked my sister out,” he said after a few moments of silence and I laughed and nodded. Adam sighed and shook his head. “God help them,” he grumbled before lightly tackling me onto the bed. We laid together, me happily in his arms. I kissed him gently and smiled.

                After a while, Adam left my house to go home and eat dinner. The next day, I went up to Addison in school. She was standing with Clapper and they were talking. “Addison, where’s Adam?” I asked curiously.

                She looked at me and I realized she was trying not to cry. Clapper wrapped his arms around her and gave me a sympathetic look. “Zelly…he ran away. We don’t know where he is. He just left a note that says he’s never coming back,” she whispered and buried her face in Clapper’s chest as I stood, too shocked to move. Adam was gone? 

Tasting The Rainbow [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now