Tasting The Rainbow {17}

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                “Barry, you’re limping really bad. What happened?” my dad asked me that night. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I didn’t want to freak you and mom out.” “Barry, what happened?” my mom demanded.

                I bit my lip nervously. “I, uh, fell down Addison’s stairs.” My mom looked at me with an expression that told me she was 5 seconds away from a massive heart attack. “Are you okay?!” she cried and I nodded. “Yea, I’m fine. Addison’s brother Adam caught me before I hit the bottom and snapped my neck.” She shot me a sharp look. “That’s not funny Barry! Don’t say that!”

                “Sorry,” I said apologetically. “But he caught me, and I just hurt my bad knee. I’ll be okay, really. It just hurts. It’s not broken again or anything. Just banged up a little.”

                “Are you sure? Do you want to go to the doctor’s office and have him X-ray it?” dad asked in worry. But mom shook her head violently. “No! I don’t like X-rays! They’ll give him cancer!” “I don’t need an X-ray, dad. I’m fine,” I said before they broke out into an argument.

                They both sighed and shot me a concerned look. “Do you think you’ll be alright to watch Rose tomorrow?” dad asked and I shrugged and nodded. “Yea, she just can’t expect me to start jumping around or whatever.” “I’ll talk to her before we leave the house,” he said and lightly ruffled my hair.

                “Why don’t you have Marco help you?” mom offered as she set plates down at the dinner table and I nodded. “Yea, I guess I’ll ask him.”

                “So whose house do you keep going to? Addison something?” dad asked after calling Rose downstairs to eat dinner. “Addison Ace,” I said and he nodded slowly before shrugging. “Not a familiar name to me.”

                “I’m partners with her brother Adam in school,” I said with a shrug of my own as Rose appeared and sat down next to me to eat. “Hi Barry!” she said and held her arms out to me. I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “Hey Rosie,” I said with a smile.

                “I’d like to meet this girl sometimes, Barry. I don’t like you going to houses I don’t know,” mom said. Clapper would’ve made fun of her, but I understood what she meant. She meant peoples’ houses, not houses. I nodded at her. “Sure mom. What if I have her over tomorrow? She’s really nice. Rosie would love her.” And Adam, too. I could invite him to.

                No. Shut up Zelly. Why the hell would Adam want to come to my house to babysit my sister with me? He had better things to do. Like hang out with that Skye chick. Yea.

                “I guess,” dad said after glancing at mom. I smiled and the next day at school, walked up to Addison with Clapper. “Addison! You and Adam should come over to my house tonight,” I said and she smiled and nodded. “Okay Zelly!” she said as the bell exploded. She waved and walked to get to class.

                “You know you said her and Adam, right?” Clapper said, raising his eyebrow. My face paled as I realized that I had said that. “Shit,” I groaned and slapped myself. “I didn’t mean to say that! God dammit! He’s going to glare at me all through class now,” I whined. Clapper smirked. “At least he’ll be looking at you.” “Fuck you,” I grumbled and he raised his hands defensively. “No thank you. That’s Adam’s job.” I pouted and flipped him off.

                He laughed at me and we walked off to class together. When class rolled around with Adam, I sat next to him and tried not to look at him.

                “You invite me to your house, and then don’t even look at me?” he asked coldly. I glanced up at him and shrugged helplessly. He rolled his beautiful icy eyes. “I’ll go. But only because I need you to help me with a lab.”

                Butterflies in my stomach. Holy shit; I really was gay. I had fucking butterflies in my fucking stomach. And I was Asian. Mind = Blown.

                I shrugged again, trying to act as casual as possible. “Uh, okay.” Oh yea. Real smooth Zelly. You’re such a flirt. Might as well pick your nose and call yourself a tease, dumbass.

                Adam went back to ignoring me and when the bell rang, he didn’t even look at me as he walked out of the classroom. After school, I met up with him, Clapper, and Addison. We all got on my bus and got off at my house. I grabbed the mail before we began to walk up my driveway.

                “Just a warning: Zelly’s mom speaks broken English. Fucking chinks,” Clapper said and I smacked him in the arm. “Shut up, dude! She’s my mom!” “And she’s so fat she fell down and fucked up Haiti!”

                I sighed. “I need new friends,” I mumbled and Addison laughed. “Just ditch Marco and you’ll be all fine!” she said and he stuck his tongue out at her as I opened my front door and led them inside.

                We walked to my kitchen where my mom was. “Hi mom,” I greeted and she turned around and eyed everyone. “Hello Marco,” she greeted. “Hi Mrs. Zellerman,” he said with a nod.

                “Ma, this is Addison and Adam Ace,” I said, jerking my thumb at them. “Hello,” Addison said with a bright and friendly smile. “Hey,” Adam mumbled emotionlessly and Addison nudged him. “Don’t be rude!” she said with a frown.

                Adam shrugged and I rolled my eyes. “Look, I’ll go help you with your lab. It won’t take long. Clap, amuse Addison for, like, 15 minutes,” I said and led Adam up to my room. He pulled his lab out and I glanced at it. “Oh! That’s easy,” I said and told him the answer. Shit. I never told answers. I always made people figure shit out themselves.

                He thanked me silently and scribbled the answer down. “Why did you invite me over?” he asked. I was so distracted by my thoughts, I found myself casually blurting out something I really shouldn’t have.

                “Because I like you.” 

Tasting The Rainbow [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now