Tasting The Rainbow {18}

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                I realized what I said and instantly slapped my hand over my mouth. “Uh…oops,” I said, blushing lightly. He raised an eyebrow at me. “Really?” I nodded slowly. “Yea. Oops. You, ah, weren’t supposed to know about that. My bad,” I said awkwardly.

                It got silent, and I got nervous. Adam finally broke the silence. “Why?” I stared at him in confusion. He met my eyes steadily, an unreadable look in his eyes. “Why do you like me?” he asked, not breaking our eye contact.

                ‘Uh…I just do, I guess,” I said with a shrug. “But you’re dating that Skye girl, so…my bad,” I said and laughed nervously. Wow Zelly. Way to fuck up and make everything awkward with Adam. I am just so fucking smooth. I impress myself, sometimes. Smooth as a button. Or was that cute as a button…?

                “I’m not dating Skye,” he said, a bit defensively. “She’s just my best friend. We’re close. We’re not a couple. That’s like saying you and Marco are dating.”

                “Oh dear lord. I’d kill myself before I dated his racist ass,” I said, shaking my head. “All the ingredients to make a high nigga pie?” he said and I laughed. “Exactly!” His lips twitched, but he didn’t actually smile.

                I searched desperately for something to say to fix this situation. “So…how about the new JJ Demon album? I loved I Killed Hip Hop Part 2,” I said and he nodded. “Yea. Shit’s amazing.”

                I opened my mouth to speak but he held up his hand in a “shut the fuck up you stupid chink” gesture and I snapped it shut. “I knew you liked me. I just don’t understand why.” I shrugged, getting a little nervous again. “I don’t either,” I said truthfully.

                I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I mean, uh, you’re attractive. And you like JJ Demon. That just makes any person sexy as fuck.” He laughed very, very slightly. But hell, it was a laugh from Adam Ace during a very awkward conversation. It worked for me.

                He grabbed my iPod off my bed and plugged it into my speakers. He turned it on and I realized it wasn’t locked. He went to my artists and scrolled down until he found JJ Demon. He clicked on him and scrolled through all the songs thoughtfully.

                After a minute of looking through all 33 songs I had on there, he clicked on Yellow Balloon. He sat down on my bed as the song started and I sat down next to him, fighting off my awkwardness as the song played.

                Adam moved his head in time with the beat casually. “It’s a good meaning,” I said quietly and he nodded in agreement. “I can’t listen to Wild America,” he blurted after a minute. “Why not?” I asked, knowing the answer. “Because of the line about marriage,” he said, so quiet I barely heard him.

                “Addison told me,” I said, not meeting his eyes. He nodded slowly. “I love my parents,” he whispered. “They’re so stupid, though. They think that not talking to each other will make everything better. But it just makes everything a million times worse. Ignoring a problem makes it worse, not better. They’re so, so stupid.”

                I chewed on my lip nervously. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. He flipped it back into place. “Sorry. I don’t know why I said that,” he said nervously. I shrugged. “It’s okay. Sometimes talking about a problem helps you feel better about it. And I don’t mind listening. Besides, you have a nice voice,” I said and he laughed silently.

                “It’s just…hard,” he said, frowning deeply. He looked at me and I could’ve sworn some of the ice in his eyes had melted. “I miss my dad.”

                “I can’t say much since I’ve never been in your situation before, Adam,” I said and he nodded. “I know. But you’re right; it does feel kind of nice to talk about it. I just hate talking about it.”

                “You can’t be afraid to get close to people,” I said suddenly and blushed a little. I had probably just pissed him off and fucked this whole thing up. Now he was going to walk away and never, ever talk to me again because I was stupid and had a big mouth.

                “I can’t help it,” he said silently, surprising me. “If anyone else walked out of my life like that…I just wouldn’t be able to handle it. And if my dad could walk out of my life so easily, than anyone could do it.”

                “I wouldn’t,” I found myself saying as I looked into his eyes again. He cracked a very small smile and shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.” “Give me a chance to prove that I wouldn’t, Adam. I would never hurt you,” I said truthfully.

                He stood up and moved to my door to leave. “I guess. Come hang out with me and Kobi afterschool tomorrow, Zelly.” He opened my bedroom door and paused. “And Zelly?” “Yea Adam?” I asked, looking up at him. “I never said I wasn’t gay,” he said after a moment of silence before leaving my room. 

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