Tasting The Rainbow {12}

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                “Adam, come on! Don’t be mean!” Addison whined. “Addi, he fucking likes me!”  I cried angrily. “You’re friend, who is a boy, likes me! I don’t even know him!”

                She frowned deeply. “Adam, don’t be a jerk. Zelly’s a really nice guy.” “Addison, he likes me. That’s just fucking wrong,” I hissed and sat down at the kitchen table angrily.

                “Adam! Addison!” mom said cheerfully as she came into the kitchen. She smiled at us. “I’m home early today, so we can eat dinner together as a family.”

                With the anger I already had, I lost it. “Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch! There is no family! We’re not a fucking family!”

                She stared at me in complete shock. “A-Adam Ace! You will not speak to me that way!” she boomed. I stood up furiously. “You think you’re fixing things, but you’re NOT! You’re just making everything a thousand fucking times worse! It’s never going to get better when you act like a complete bitch! So FUCK YOU.”

                I shoved by her and stormed out of the house as she and Addison began to scream my name. I shoved my earphones in and cranked my iPod all the way up, playing Don’t by Josie Wails. God I loved JJ Demon’s voice.

                I whipped out my phone and texted Skye. I just wanted to text someone to calm the fuck down. I was so pissed off right now.

                I slammed into someone. “Watch where you’re fucking going!” I hissed angrily and looked up. Ah fuck. I would crash into that Zelly kid. He had stumbled back a little. His phone was in his hands and he also had earphones in.

                He pulled one out. “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you.” He probably hadn’t heard what I had said when I ran into him. I pulled one of my earphones out as well. I searched for something to say, but didn’t have anything, so I just glared at him instead.

                He looked uncomfortable. “Hey, I said I was sorry. You don’t have to stare me down. It was an accident.” I continued to glare at him and he glared right back. “Hey, why are you always so pissed?” he demanded angrily.

                “Because my dad!” I snapped and slapped my hands over my mouth. Oh shit. I can’t believe I just said that. That was none of his business.

                Zelly got a bit of a surprised look on his face. “What, did he, like, ground you or something?” I felt a little relief. He had the wrong idea. Good. I shook my head. “No. Just…never mind.” “Uh…okay,” he said, sounding confused.

                “But seriously dude, why are you always so pissy?” he asked. “I’m not,” I said flatly. “Yes you are. You’re being pissy right now,” he said matter-of-factly. I glared. “I am not. I’m just annoyed.”

                He laughed. “You’re always annoyed, Adam.” “Because people always annoy me. Like you are, right now,” I growled and he shrugged. “Hey, at least I apologized for running into you.”

                “You like me,” I said simply and I could see him fighting a blush. “Full of yourself, much?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “I know it for a fact,” I said flatly and he blushed more. “And so what if I did? It’s not like I really know you and expect you to want to date me or anything. You’re straight.”

                I shrugged and he sighed. “Well this is awkward.” “Tell me about your parents,” I blurted out casually. Shit. I really needed to stop doing that. He gave me a confused look, but spoke anyways.

                “Uh…my parents are Asian. My mom’s from China. Uh, they married when they were 25 and had me 3 years later. They had my sister when they were 39.” He stopped and looked at me with questioning eyes. “Tell me about your parents.”

                I shrugged. “They had me when they were 30, and Addison when they were 32.” “And they’re married, right? Because your mom introduced herself as Mrs. Ace.” I met him with emotionless eyes. “I have to go.”

                He shook his head. “You don’t have to go, and you know it. But hey, I get it. You’re uncomfortable talking about it. So, I’ll let you pretend to go somewhere. Bye Adam.”

                “Bye Zelly,” I said coldly and walked away from him. But my mind was racing. I never, ever talked about my rents. I would rather punch someone than tell them my family life. Even if they asked if I had siblings. I just hated talking about my family. So why had I been that open with Zelly? 

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