Tasting The Rainbow {5}

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                I sat down next to Adam in Marine Bio later in the day. “You’re sister is really nice,” I said after a moment of awkward silence, just trying to make a little small talk. “Mhm,” he said and nodded, completely uninterested.

                “How old is she?” I asked. “15,” he said quietly. I mentally sighed and gave up my pathetic small talk attempts. Adam Ace was about as interesting as watching paint dry.

                “Homework out!” Mrs. Costello called out and walked around with her clipboard, checking homework. She got to our table and sighed. “Mr. Ace, where is your homework?” “In my backpack.” “Is it completed?” He shook his head.

                She sighed again. “Adam, do you have any pets?” He nodded cautiously, trying to figure out where Mrs. Costello was going with this. “What kind of pet do you have?” “A dog,” he said, his voice just as cautious. “Oh? And what’s your dog’s name?” “His name is Potent.”

                Mrs. Costello nodded. “Potent? Sounds like a tough name. Must be a big dog. Do you take care of Potent?” Adam nodded. “And you feed him?” Adam nodded again. “Do you love Potent?” Another nod.

                “Well, I’m sure Potent would hate it if you couldn’t get into college just because you were too lazy to do some homework. College means a job, a job means money, and money buys Potent’s dog food. You wouldn’t want him to starve to death, would you?” Adam shook his head.

                “So, get to work so Potent can eat,” she said and moved on. Adam rolled his eyes. “Addison said you didn’t do your homework because your dog was sleeping on your backpack,” I said and felt stupid. Oh god. I was turning into Clapper. I need to think before I spoke.

                “Yea,” he responded with a shrug. We went through class and the bell rang. I went and met up with Clapper. “We hanging out?” I asked and he nodded. “You, me, and Addison,” he said with a smirk. I sighed but nodded. “Sure.”

                “Hi Marco! Are you sure I can come over?” Addison asked when we found her. Clapper nodded. “Yea. Let’s go before we miss the bus,” he said and we followed him out to his bus.

                “Damn…only 2 fit in a sit. Chink, I’m sitting on you,” Clapper said. He shoved me in the bus seat and sat on top of me. “Jesus you’re fat!” I cried. “Hey! Don’t insult Jesus like that. He can’t help it. You’d gorge at your last supper too,” Clapper said and I rolled my eyes.

                Addison giggled and sat next to us. “Zelly, why are you even friends with him? He’s so mean to you.” I shook my head. “Good question Addison. I just pity him, that’s all. Gonorrhea is a traumatizing thing, and no one else liked him enough to help him recover from his mom’s beating after he got it, so I stepped up.”

                Clapper winced. “You just have to call it that. Fucking Asians…” he grumbled. We talked casually until the bus pulled up to Clapper’s house. We got off the bus and went into his house together.

                “Marco?” his mom called. “Nope. I know Marco has come from school at this exact time every day for 4 years, but this isn’t him,” he called back sarcastically.

                “Do not be sarcastic with me young man!” his mom snapped, coming into the hallway. She noticed me and smiled. “Hello Zelly! How are you? How’s your sister? Is school going good for her?” I smiled. “Hi Mrs. Jones! I’ve been fine, and so has Rose. She’s doing great in school. She loves it.”

                Mrs. Jones nodded. “That’s good!” She turned back to Clapper and glared. “Watch your sarcasm, young man! Oh! Who are you?” Addison smiled, an amused look in her eyes. “Hello ma’am. I’m Addison Ace.” She shook Mrs. Jones’s hand and smiled politely.

                “Nice to meet you Addison,” Mrs. Jones said sweetly. Saying she was the strictest woman in the world when it came to her son was a complete understatement, but she was a very nice woman. You had to be strict with Clapper. It was the only way to have even a little control over him. Still, it was impossible to get complete control over Clapper. He was too wild spirited. He rarely listened to his mom. But still, she had better results with him than anyone had ever had.

                We went into Clapper’s kitchen and he reached for some chips. “Marco Jones! No junk before dinner!” Mrs. Jones snapped. “Cut up an apple if you’re that hungry.” He made a face. “Never mind. I’d rather starve to death than eat that shit.” Realization of what he’d just said slapped him in the face and he groaned.

                “Bathroom. Right now!” his mom snapped and grabbed his ear. “Mom! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to swear!” he whined as she dragged him into the bathroom.

                “Why is she dragging him into the bathroom?” Addison asked, keeping her voice down. “She rubs his tongue with a bar of soap when he swears,” I said, laughing a little.

                “MOM! Stop! You’re going to poison me!” Clapper’s voice exploded in annoyance. Addison giggled. “His mom is strict, huh?” I nodded. “Yea. She always was pretty strict, but she’s been Hitler ever since Marco got the clap.”

                “My mom would go complete Hitler mode on Adam if that ever happened to him,” Addison said with a nod. “Is Adam that kind of guy?” I asked curiously and she shrugged helplessly. “I like to think he’s not, but hell if I know. He doesn’t tell me everything. He’s not just quiet at school; he’s like that at home too.”

                “Why’s he like that?” I asked. Addison sighed and opened her mouth to answer, but Clapper came out. “That woman is going to poison me with that shit!” “Marco Jones did you just swear AGAIN?!” Clapper looked like a deer in headlights. “I said soap!” he screamed as she came out and grabbed his ear again. “SOAP!” he cried desperately, and Addison and I laughed at him, me forgetting about Adam for the moment. 

Tasting The Rainbow [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now